Monday, September 14, 2009


Black Feelings
Alien8 Recordings..

From Alien8:
Black Feelings are the essence of a power trio: each member of the three-piece exhibiting a great deal of power while the whole remains balanced. Conisiting of two former members of Montreal’s Les Angles Morts, the band has developed a unique a hybrid of the British post punk and experimental scenes that spawned the likes of This Heat, Gang of Four and the Pop Group with heavy traces of psychedelic-goth and cold wave. Like American band The Liars, Black Feelings’ penchant for combining a variety of influences to conjure up a sound that is both retro and vitally fresh at the same time. The band’s main vocalist and drummer Owain Lawson is kept busy as he sings and holds down the rhythm section alongside fellow founding member and bassist Brian Mitchell, while the sound is rounded out with shimmering guitar and synth flourishes provided by Kyle Fostner.

Listening to Black feelings self-titled debut is never dull, as moody vibes ebb and flow throughout the long player carried by propulsive bass and drums. For a small band these guys have a huge sound. The drums have an almost war song intensity that helps drive the music alongside the bass, guitars, and synth all the while delivering really catchy anthemic songs. The feeling one experiences listening to this self-titled debut is very positive, yet with a lingering feelings of darkness hiding in the shadows.

In their two years of existence Black Feelings have managed a couple of tours of the Eastern U.S. as well as an Eastern Canadian tour in support of Tyvek. During this time they have managed to release a cassette as well as 7” single and have another 45 rpm on the way via UK label We Be Records. For this upcoming full length the have enlisted the help of engineer Mark Lawson, who’s credits include Arcade Fire, Beirut, Final Fantasy, Akron Family and The Unicorns to name a few.

The recording is adorned with beautiful artwork courtesy of ex-Aids Wolf guitarist Chris Taylor and will be issued on CD, vinyl LP and digital formats.

Release date: October 13, 2009

Why can't my paycheck be here right now?

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