Monday, November 18, 2013

EIC's 10Q's w/ Trouble Books

"..gushing with Tropical/Vaporwave-esque sounds, anti-achromic Dream Pop ecstasy, and Spacey enchantment.."

Trouble Books
Felicity Cosmos Sponsors

Trouble Books Bio:
Knitting together found sounds, quirky synthesizers, and twinkly organic instrumentation, Trouble Books combine eclecticism (something along the lines of the Microphones and the Books) with Dreamy Indie Pop sensibilities (bringing to mind acts like Lullatone and Tenniscoats). Keith Freund and Linda Lejsovka, who are married, formed Trouble Books in Ohio in the early 2000s; they recruited the help of their friends in recording Trouble Books' first albums, with Mike Tolan (talons') often filling in as a third member of the band. Trouble Books' debut album, 'The United Colors of Trouble Books', recorded in late 2007, was released on Bark & Hiss Records in 2008, and an EP, 'Endless Pool', was released the following year. The group's sophomore full-length, 'Gathered Tones', was released on Bark & Hiss and Own Records in the spring of 2010. The duo recently released 'Love At Dusk' in 2013.

Hello, how are you?
Tired, but OK

What are you currently listening to?
At the moment, Hiroshi Yoshimura’s “Music for Nine Post Cards”. Some of our favorite albums from this year though have been by Sean McCann, CFCF, and My Bloody Valentine.

Is there a story behind the band name?
It’s a term the old ladies at the library I used to work at used. I just thought it was funny to borrow for a project that I didn’t expect to be doing for so long. Otherwise, I probably would’ve thought it out more. Maybe not, that’s kind of dumb too.

Care to shed some light on your upcoming LP 'Love At Dusk'; theme, favorite track(s), etc?
 Well it was recorded in the few months just before and just after the birth of our daughter, but it’s not about that at all really. At least not consciously. I think the fatigue and panic and joy and terror and sleeplessness definitely come through on the tone of it though. We’re really proud of it and excited to share.

Will you be touring extensively for said release?
No, playing live was never really our thing, and having a baby is a good excuse to not bother with that anymore.

If you could pick any 3 artists (dead or alive) to remix your work whom would you pick?
Oh I don’t know, we’re not really into remixes all that much. (Remixes) Always feels gimmicky and unnecessary.

Got any other projects we should know about?
Yeah we’ve got some other projects, though you shouldn’t feel any pressure to know about them, haha. I’ve been recording some very abstract rhythmic stuff as “Rolling Acres” with my friend Mike Tolan. And Linda and I have started working on new material that feels too different to be called “Trouble Books” probly so we might end up with a different name for that.

What movie would work best on mute while listening to you music?
Hm not sure. I don’t want to sound like an asshole, but we try to put a lot of detail into our music so that giving it full attention is rewarding. And I subscribe to the idea that pop singing in movie soundtracks is mostly distracting. Maybe I’m just bad at multi-tasking.  I love and identify artistically with Gus Van Sant’s 'Gerry' though probably more than any other movie.

You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
 Ugh that’d be torture. I guess I’d say our own album, but it’d be as more of a photo/keepsake thing than something to listen to. I mean, I’d rather listen to nothing than the same thing over and over.

Are you living your dream?
No way, that’s impossible. Can anyone answer yes to that? My dreams involve far too many talking walls, valuable baseball cards, and endless pits to ever answer yes.

Thanx TB!

Trouble Books recently released 'Love At Dusk', I recommend you give it a go...

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