Monday, May 23, 2011

EIC'S10Q'S w/Natalie Beridze

"..has a strong grasp on engineering acumen modern techno soundscapes.."

Natalie Beridze
Enlightenment By Form Of Industry

Natalie Beridze Bio:
Georgian musician Natalie Beridze aka TBA first came to monika through her contribution to Volume 1 of the popular 4 Women No Cry series. Now we are delighted to be working with this exciting young artist again especially as the CD marks the first release with our new distribution partner, Morr Music. Following a 5 track EP in summer we are proud to present Natalie Beridze’s stunning new full-length album, ForgetFulness.

While these are her first solo releases on monika, Tusia Beridze is certainly no newcomer. With output on labels such as Max Ernst, her ongoing collaboration with the Goslab collective and most recently a release on Laboratory Instinct, TBA’s sound is both rich in texture and depth of vision. From the industrial beats of What about things like bullets to the club friendly electro- ambience of The Face We Choose To Miss and the intricate electronica of This isn't right, this isn't even wrong, the cutting edge production gains warmth and a personal touch throughout from the presence of TBA’s voice. As well as Natalie’s phenomenal solo compositions Forgetfulness contains a collaboration with Academy Award winning Japanese muscian, composer and pianist Ryuichi Sakamoto, the meditative Blue Shadow. The album invokes harsh winter wastelands and a depth of emotion that is sadly lacking in much of the pop we hear. Two prime examples are In The White and Silently – which are nothing short of breathtaking. This fine album ends with the cryptically titled Half This Game Is Ninety Percent Mental an epic instrumental ambient odyssey. Natalie Beridze’s music is captivating and yet at the same time leaves enough room to let the listeners’ imagination run off in its own direction. Forgetfulness is a journey through serious electronic soundscapes but thanks to the contant presence of her sensitive lyrics and gentle vocal tones Beridze never looses that personal touch.

Hello, how are you?
:) Great, thanx

What are you currently listening to?
Kreidler "Tank"

At what age did you being writing music, who got you into electronica?
Around 22 - 23. i got signed when i was 23. Nika Machaidze (Nikakoi) and Gogi Dzozuashvili (Post Industrial Boys) were doing computer music back then. We collaborated sometimes. I sang for their tracks. Later I decided to give it a try myself. I liked and tried to do videos, to write, but somehow it wasn't enough. I felt blase about it. Music-making enchanted me from the first moment on. And I started producing rampantly. Had my first two albums ready in couple of months.:)

Why the "TBA" in your name?
Play of words and it has nothing to do with "to-be-announced"... "T"-s the first letter of my nick-name - Tusia. "B" - is the first letter of my last name - Beridze. And "A" ...hmm, I don't know. It's just a closure... TBA means lake in Georgian. When I got signed for the first time (Max.Ernst), it all went rapidly and we had to come up with an artist name. then, with the later albums I decided to put my real name next to TBA. I like it better this way...

What is theme as well as sound you were going for on "Forgetfulness"?

I don't have a concrete theme nor sound in any of my albums. It's more like a patchwork. There's no real sense of togetherness and cohesion to my albums. Each track speaks for itself. Sometimes I want to make a "one-whole" album, with a linear story-line and tracks merging into one-another, but then I get easily bored by this persistency and restraint and write a track that withdraws itself out of the concept of the album.

What is your favorite song off of "Forgetfulness"?
Song: "The Face We Choose To Miss". Track: "Half This Game Is 90% Mental".

I love the videos you've put out for this release, who does them and how did you come up with the concepts?
It's all made by Nika Machaidze. He has a great vision and imagination I completely confide in. So I don't intervene in this process. I just do what he tells me to do... I love those videos too...

If you could collaborate with any artist of your choosing whom would it be with?
I'd make an album with Prince, Sun Ra (impossible) and Raymond Scott..(impossible) :) Right now I'd write songs for real big stars, with big fat production, lot of money, try making hits, something I have never done before and maybe am not so good at...

You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
Even a thought about it makes me apprehensive :) So I refuse to choose one. Anyway it'd never be a one-author album... it'd be a panicky mix tape...

Are you living your dream?
Almost! :)

Thanx Natalie & Brian!

Natalie Beridze is currently touring for her most recent release. I'm sure she probably has a few albums waiting to come out shortly after that (..I hope:)...

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