20. The British Expeditionary Force – Chapter One: A Long Way From Home
The best introduction to any story is chapter one. You get a general sense of the characters and there possible motives. You get to see the artists' general writing capability. And you know if you need to go any further. And if this is The British Expeditionary Force's first chapter you can consider me a "novel" enthusiast. This band can range from Home Video's cool futuristic intonations to The Race's conventional indie rock approach to The Notwist's classical sense of electronics and orchestration. This band will be one of two things: 1. The "newest" indie phenomenon. OR 2. A horribly overlooked paragon amongst today's garden-variety indie electronic acts. This is miles of twinkly sustained piano splashed above abide and twitchy electronic beats for present day auditory enthusiasts.
19. Odawas - Raven and The White Night
This is Odawas second full length and it seems that they haven't run out of the experimental ideas that to me, make them "unclassifiable". This album is an overall gazey dream sequence drenched in acid. I really don't know what to say about this album other than go buy it. You'll have to form your own opinion on this one. Synthesized-Psychedelic-Folk-Pop maybe?
18. Venetian Snares - My Downfall
Aaron Funk of Venetian Snares first took a whack at mixing classical music with drum and bass on 2005's "Rossz Csillag Allat Szuletett", an amazing idea done by an amazing producer. On "My Downfall" he has perfected that art form. Every other song has a different flow. Some songs are just beautifully produced orchestration swells and some are classical strings plucked over hard-core drum and bass. Techno for the eighteenth century.
17. Port Royal - Afraid To Dance
Like Jeff Mcllwain of Lusine Port Royal aren't afraid to mix ambient/atmospheric soundscapes with alluring bleeps and blips. When you begin listening to this album it seems like it will just be another beautiful electronic ambient album, but just as the title suggests, the "dance" portion arrives, with force. To me it feels as if the beats are trying to scratch out the eyes of ambience. I would classify this as Ambient IDM.
16. To Kill A Petty Bourgeoisie - The Patron
Kranky is putting out some amazing albums and it seems like they're always pushing the envelope in the avant-garde area of art/music. Loud crunchy noises swell and drone over nigh seductive female vocals. Almost reminiscent of Portishead, only mixed by Chu Ishikawa (Tetsuo: The Ironman), Black Dice, or even Boris. This patron is loud and relaxing at the same time.
15. Menomena - Friend and Foe
Indie rock done adversely. After Menomena's last full length I was exceptionally captivated. Most of the music made by this band was created by a program they invented called "Deeler", which I believe is a musical "improv" program that creates the main structure behind most of there compelling sounds. I saw these guys twice this year, and somehow they were able to pull off their signature sound perfectly each time. Piano and drum battles over catchy riffs = fun music for a good day.
14. Blonde Redhead - 23
I liked Blonde Redhead's "Misery Is A Butterfly", it was pretty decent, but 23, in my opinion, is their crowning achievement. This is kind of an art rock piece; each song goes off in its own direction. I loved this album so much I went out bought nearly their entire catalogue. Try the song "Silently", if you're not hooked then your ears are broken. Boisterous ideation for someone wanting to discover well-written music.
13. Underworld - Oblivion With Bells
For those of you who don't know/remember Underworld they were a 1990's electronic act that mixed trance/electronica with guitar and vocals. Their biggest hit was probably "Born Slippy" from the Trainspotting soundtrack. If you can remember that, and you like it, then you will love this album. I consider these guys to be the godfathers of the 90's techno-pop scene as well as one of the most influential artists on almost any electronic-dance musician today. Sensual dance beats glide over guitar, piano, and vocals.
12. Julian Fane - Our New Quarters
Julian Fane is constantly compared to Thom Yorke, he has that sort of broken down vocal approach. Only instead of merely using it over bleeps and bloops, he utilizes amazing guitar riffs drenched in reverb and fuzz with a dash of electronica. You'll understand from the very first note on the title track "Our New Quarters" why this album is so important. Delicate vocals, and empirical post rock mixed with moody electronics.
11. Strategy - Future Rock
Strategy is one-man act Paul Dickow, also off of the Kranky label, creating shoegazer style music. More than just shoegaze though, its dub, pop, ambient and electronic sensibility combined. I imagine this being played in a dance club at the end of the night when everyone is packing up or trying to catch their breath. This is relaxing, catchy, and dreamy all rolled into one luscious package.
10. A Sunny Day In Glasgow - Scribble Mural Comic Journal
A Sunny Day In Glasgow consists of three core members, founding member Ben Daniels and his identical twin sisters Lauren and Robin. I wonder what there family dinners were like. To put it simply this is shoegaze-noise-art pop. I have no idea how they came up with some of the sounds involved with this album. I find myself scratching my head at how such diverse noises/chords can create this much of an appealing composed feel, however it does, and it is both beautiful and curious at the same time.
9. Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam
It was no surprise when this album came out that I would be obsessed with it. But seriously, I listened to this album non-stop for the first few weeks I had it. I can't really tell you if this is better or worse than "Feels", but I can tell you they have surpassed the bar of what good music should be. This album ranges from standard Animal Collective freak-folk to rock to jazz to even a Philip Glass inspired piece. I cant get over how amazingly talented this band is, if I had to create my top 20 bands ever this band would be on that list for sure. Thank you Animal Collective for blowing my mind yet again.
8. Dan Deacon - Spiderman of The Rings
Dan Deacon has to be the best electronic live performer out there right now. Scratch that; best any kind of a performer right now. He works the crowd with his humor, trippy green skull, and what seems like drug induced 16-bit electronica. When I saw him perform I witnessed at least 15 different distortion pedals being utilized! To see this guy play is a truly unique experience. Make sure you where comfortable shoes Insanely danceable distorted electronics with a dash of punk influence.
7. Lo-Fi-Fnk - Boys Life
Although this album came out in July of 06 as an import I had to have it on this list. I didn't actually obtain my copy until February of 07 because it took me forever to find a one. That aside, this album is by far one of the best dance albums of all time. Some friends and I actually went to see these guys play with Fujiya Miyagi at The Mezzanine in San Francisco, CA on my birthday. It was one of the best experiences I had at a show in a long time. Seriously my bar tab was over $100! Every time I come back to this album it puts me in a good mood. I would consider this to be the "refurbished electro-pop" side of all the French dance music that has been coming out; only these guys are from Sweden. Even if you hate dance music this album could still be made for you it's that damn catchy. Please do not pass this album up.
6. Lovesliescrushing – Chorus
Thank you Scott Cortez for blessing me with your amazing talent. You are sincerely my favorite guitarist of all time. Lovesliescrushing is an experimental-ambient-shoegaze project that consists of two members, one man on guitar and one woman singing. They have been creating this aqueous ambience for about two decades now. Originally a Projekt release, which means they have a dark-dramatic presence behind them, Lovesliescrushing original concept was birthed to make ambient sounds reminiscent of keyboards and various drones using ONLY a guitar and vocals. If you were to pick up any of their albums you would never imagine that merely a guitar and some effects pedals could create this over abundant fluidic aura. That was the goal and I would consider them over achievers. On Chorus they enter concept 2, which is pretty much the same as the first concept, only more stripped down. This time they want to achieve an unimaginative amount of ambience utilizing ONLY voice. I love anything this man touches. If you get into them as much as I did also check out Astrobrite and Star, which are terrific side projects, you will not be let down. This is by far one of the best ambient albums of all time. Perfect music to listen to while sleeping underwater.
5. Mum - Go Go Smear The Poison Ivy
A lot of reviewers were down playing this album due to the departure of Kria Brekkan, there original lead singstress, and I've got to admit after their last release "Summer Make Good" I wasn't too excited either. However I was completely awestruck by the impact this album had on my ears. Adorable electronic music dancing with glee and conceptualization. Incredibly playful and somewhat of a new sound for them, this is probably my favorite release of there's to date, as well as one of my favorite Icelandic releases of all time. I still can't put this album down. Experimental-electronic-twinkle-pop music made for the adventuresome.
4. Ben Frost - Theory of Machines
If I was to work at an extremely bleak/daunting plant where I tended to machines all day this is the soundtrack I would imagine/feel. Ben Frost is hands-down the best producer there is right now. His sounds are unique, simplistic, and forthcoming. Also check out School of Emotional Engineering for a more rock, but still Ben Frost, refurbished sound. PLEASE, IF YOU HAVE EVER BEEN INTO ANYTHING ELECTRONIC I URGE YOU TO PICK THIS UP. Sparse beats dispersed over automaton thought provoking intelligence. This is the smartest electronic album I own.
3. Deerhunter – Cryptograms
Cryptograms came out in January and I honestly didn't take this out of my cd player until June. Bradford Cox, the lead singer of Deerhunter, is a tiny man who capitalizes his voice on this album better than almost any other singer out there today. Deerhunter are not afraid to use distortion upon distortion when it comes to any sound they compose. I had the honor of seeing these guys play at the Pitchfork music festival in Chicago, IL and could have died happily afterwards. Not many rock albums made my top spot this year, and I wouldn't exactly classify this as "rock", but Cryptograms definitely delivers the dynamics that any good rock album should be able to achieve. I haven't been this anxious for the future of a band since M83. This is the best possible example of what you get when you meld psychedelia with shoegazing ambience/rock.
2. Ulrich Schnauss – Goodbye
I saw Mr. Schnauss open for M83 back in 2006 and to be honest with you I was not that impressed. I never thought of him as a bad musician by any means, but he just didn't "blow my mind". Enter 2007, I read a review about "Goodbye" that sounded intriguing to me so I decide to give him another listen. Loud drums, swelling keyboards layered on more swelling keyboards with an astonishing guitar sound backed by pitch perfect vocals layered with, yes, more keys. I think I would put this on par with Slowdive and M83. Out of the hundreds of shoegazing albums I now own I would consider this in the top ten of all time.
1. Throbbing Gristle - Part Two The Endless Not
I've long thought the end of industrial music arrived the minute a new millennium began. In some sense I am right. There is no more "punch". No more intriguing structures. There is no more originality. Only one band, the very band that invented this category, the godfathers of industrial music themselves, could raise the spirit back from the dead, Throbbing Gristle. A strange life indeed, THIS ISN'T YOUR AVERAGE INDUSTRIAL ALBUM. This is free form jazz splintered by factory made, assembelized cold industrial steel. I had always had a fond interest in the Throbbing Gristle catalogue, including its many facets: Coil, Psychic TV, etc., but this opened my ears/heart & soul to what I believe is one of the crowning achievements in musical history. Screaming/depraved madness looped on top of improvisational harmonic genius. Romanticism through the most emotionally disturbed vocals bleeding over ripples of precocious and crunchy sounds. I know this album won't be for everyone, and that's ok, but for me it doesn't get much better than this. I am intensely attached to these noises. Machines and humans are mourning together again and if I die tomorrow listen to this in my honor.
The best introduction to any story is chapter one. You get a general sense of the characters and there possible motives. You get to see the artists' general writing capability. And you know if you need to go any further. And if this is The British Expeditionary Force's first chapter you can consider me a "novel" enthusiast. This band can range from Home Video's cool futuristic intonations to The Race's conventional indie rock approach to The Notwist's classical sense of electronics and orchestration. This band will be one of two things: 1. The "newest" indie phenomenon. OR 2. A horribly overlooked paragon amongst today's garden-variety indie electronic acts. This is miles of twinkly sustained piano splashed above abide and twitchy electronic beats for present day auditory enthusiasts.
19. Odawas - Raven and The White Night
This is Odawas second full length and it seems that they haven't run out of the experimental ideas that to me, make them "unclassifiable". This album is an overall gazey dream sequence drenched in acid. I really don't know what to say about this album other than go buy it. You'll have to form your own opinion on this one. Synthesized-Psychedelic-Folk-Pop maybe?
18. Venetian Snares - My Downfall
Aaron Funk of Venetian Snares first took a whack at mixing classical music with drum and bass on 2005's "Rossz Csillag Allat Szuletett", an amazing idea done by an amazing producer. On "My Downfall" he has perfected that art form. Every other song has a different flow. Some songs are just beautifully produced orchestration swells and some are classical strings plucked over hard-core drum and bass. Techno for the eighteenth century.
17. Port Royal - Afraid To Dance
Like Jeff Mcllwain of Lusine Port Royal aren't afraid to mix ambient/atmospheric soundscapes with alluring bleeps and blips. When you begin listening to this album it seems like it will just be another beautiful electronic ambient album, but just as the title suggests, the "dance" portion arrives, with force. To me it feels as if the beats are trying to scratch out the eyes of ambience. I would classify this as Ambient IDM.
16. To Kill A Petty Bourgeoisie - The Patron
Kranky is putting out some amazing albums and it seems like they're always pushing the envelope in the avant-garde area of art/music. Loud crunchy noises swell and drone over nigh seductive female vocals. Almost reminiscent of Portishead, only mixed by Chu Ishikawa (Tetsuo: The Ironman), Black Dice, or even Boris. This patron is loud and relaxing at the same time.
15. Menomena - Friend and Foe
Indie rock done adversely. After Menomena's last full length I was exceptionally captivated. Most of the music made by this band was created by a program they invented called "Deeler", which I believe is a musical "improv" program that creates the main structure behind most of there compelling sounds. I saw these guys twice this year, and somehow they were able to pull off their signature sound perfectly each time. Piano and drum battles over catchy riffs = fun music for a good day.
14. Blonde Redhead - 23
I liked Blonde Redhead's "Misery Is A Butterfly", it was pretty decent, but 23, in my opinion, is their crowning achievement. This is kind of an art rock piece; each song goes off in its own direction. I loved this album so much I went out bought nearly their entire catalogue. Try the song "Silently", if you're not hooked then your ears are broken. Boisterous ideation for someone wanting to discover well-written music.
13. Underworld - Oblivion With Bells
For those of you who don't know/remember Underworld they were a 1990's electronic act that mixed trance/electronica with guitar and vocals. Their biggest hit was probably "Born Slippy" from the Trainspotting soundtrack. If you can remember that, and you like it, then you will love this album. I consider these guys to be the godfathers of the 90's techno-pop scene as well as one of the most influential artists on almost any electronic-dance musician today. Sensual dance beats glide over guitar, piano, and vocals.
12. Julian Fane - Our New Quarters
Julian Fane is constantly compared to Thom Yorke, he has that sort of broken down vocal approach. Only instead of merely using it over bleeps and bloops, he utilizes amazing guitar riffs drenched in reverb and fuzz with a dash of electronica. You'll understand from the very first note on the title track "Our New Quarters" why this album is so important. Delicate vocals, and empirical post rock mixed with moody electronics.
11. Strategy - Future Rock
Strategy is one-man act Paul Dickow, also off of the Kranky label, creating shoegazer style music. More than just shoegaze though, its dub, pop, ambient and electronic sensibility combined. I imagine this being played in a dance club at the end of the night when everyone is packing up or trying to catch their breath. This is relaxing, catchy, and dreamy all rolled into one luscious package.
10. A Sunny Day In Glasgow - Scribble Mural Comic Journal
A Sunny Day In Glasgow consists of three core members, founding member Ben Daniels and his identical twin sisters Lauren and Robin. I wonder what there family dinners were like. To put it simply this is shoegaze-noise-art pop. I have no idea how they came up with some of the sounds involved with this album. I find myself scratching my head at how such diverse noises/chords can create this much of an appealing composed feel, however it does, and it is both beautiful and curious at the same time.
9. Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam
It was no surprise when this album came out that I would be obsessed with it. But seriously, I listened to this album non-stop for the first few weeks I had it. I can't really tell you if this is better or worse than "Feels", but I can tell you they have surpassed the bar of what good music should be. This album ranges from standard Animal Collective freak-folk to rock to jazz to even a Philip Glass inspired piece. I cant get over how amazingly talented this band is, if I had to create my top 20 bands ever this band would be on that list for sure. Thank you Animal Collective for blowing my mind yet again.
8. Dan Deacon - Spiderman of The Rings
Dan Deacon has to be the best electronic live performer out there right now. Scratch that; best any kind of a performer right now. He works the crowd with his humor, trippy green skull, and what seems like drug induced 16-bit electronica. When I saw him perform I witnessed at least 15 different distortion pedals being utilized! To see this guy play is a truly unique experience. Make sure you where comfortable shoes Insanely danceable distorted electronics with a dash of punk influence.
7. Lo-Fi-Fnk - Boys Life
Although this album came out in July of 06 as an import I had to have it on this list. I didn't actually obtain my copy until February of 07 because it took me forever to find a one. That aside, this album is by far one of the best dance albums of all time. Some friends and I actually went to see these guys play with Fujiya Miyagi at The Mezzanine in San Francisco, CA on my birthday. It was one of the best experiences I had at a show in a long time. Seriously my bar tab was over $100! Every time I come back to this album it puts me in a good mood. I would consider this to be the "refurbished electro-pop" side of all the French dance music that has been coming out; only these guys are from Sweden. Even if you hate dance music this album could still be made for you it's that damn catchy. Please do not pass this album up.
6. Lovesliescrushing – Chorus
Thank you Scott Cortez for blessing me with your amazing talent. You are sincerely my favorite guitarist of all time. Lovesliescrushing is an experimental-ambient-shoegaze project that consists of two members, one man on guitar and one woman singing. They have been creating this aqueous ambience for about two decades now. Originally a Projekt release, which means they have a dark-dramatic presence behind them, Lovesliescrushing original concept was birthed to make ambient sounds reminiscent of keyboards and various drones using ONLY a guitar and vocals. If you were to pick up any of their albums you would never imagine that merely a guitar and some effects pedals could create this over abundant fluidic aura. That was the goal and I would consider them over achievers. On Chorus they enter concept 2, which is pretty much the same as the first concept, only more stripped down. This time they want to achieve an unimaginative amount of ambience utilizing ONLY voice. I love anything this man touches. If you get into them as much as I did also check out Astrobrite and Star, which are terrific side projects, you will not be let down. This is by far one of the best ambient albums of all time. Perfect music to listen to while sleeping underwater.
5. Mum - Go Go Smear The Poison Ivy
A lot of reviewers were down playing this album due to the departure of Kria Brekkan, there original lead singstress, and I've got to admit after their last release "Summer Make Good" I wasn't too excited either. However I was completely awestruck by the impact this album had on my ears. Adorable electronic music dancing with glee and conceptualization. Incredibly playful and somewhat of a new sound for them, this is probably my favorite release of there's to date, as well as one of my favorite Icelandic releases of all time. I still can't put this album down. Experimental-electronic-twinkle-pop music made for the adventuresome.
4. Ben Frost - Theory of Machines
If I was to work at an extremely bleak/daunting plant where I tended to machines all day this is the soundtrack I would imagine/feel. Ben Frost is hands-down the best producer there is right now. His sounds are unique, simplistic, and forthcoming. Also check out School of Emotional Engineering for a more rock, but still Ben Frost, refurbished sound. PLEASE, IF YOU HAVE EVER BEEN INTO ANYTHING ELECTRONIC I URGE YOU TO PICK THIS UP. Sparse beats dispersed over automaton thought provoking intelligence. This is the smartest electronic album I own.
3. Deerhunter – Cryptograms
Cryptograms came out in January and I honestly didn't take this out of my cd player until June. Bradford Cox, the lead singer of Deerhunter, is a tiny man who capitalizes his voice on this album better than almost any other singer out there today. Deerhunter are not afraid to use distortion upon distortion when it comes to any sound they compose. I had the honor of seeing these guys play at the Pitchfork music festival in Chicago, IL and could have died happily afterwards. Not many rock albums made my top spot this year, and I wouldn't exactly classify this as "rock", but Cryptograms definitely delivers the dynamics that any good rock album should be able to achieve. I haven't been this anxious for the future of a band since M83. This is the best possible example of what you get when you meld psychedelia with shoegazing ambience/rock.
2. Ulrich Schnauss – Goodbye
I saw Mr. Schnauss open for M83 back in 2006 and to be honest with you I was not that impressed. I never thought of him as a bad musician by any means, but he just didn't "blow my mind". Enter 2007, I read a review about "Goodbye" that sounded intriguing to me so I decide to give him another listen. Loud drums, swelling keyboards layered on more swelling keyboards with an astonishing guitar sound backed by pitch perfect vocals layered with, yes, more keys. I think I would put this on par with Slowdive and M83. Out of the hundreds of shoegazing albums I now own I would consider this in the top ten of all time.
1. Throbbing Gristle - Part Two The Endless Not
I've long thought the end of industrial music arrived the minute a new millennium began. In some sense I am right. There is no more "punch". No more intriguing structures. There is no more originality. Only one band, the very band that invented this category, the godfathers of industrial music themselves, could raise the spirit back from the dead, Throbbing Gristle. A strange life indeed, THIS ISN'T YOUR AVERAGE INDUSTRIAL ALBUM. This is free form jazz splintered by factory made, assembelized cold industrial steel. I had always had a fond interest in the Throbbing Gristle catalogue, including its many facets: Coil, Psychic TV, etc., but this opened my ears/heart & soul to what I believe is one of the crowning achievements in musical history. Screaming/depraved madness looped on top of improvisational harmonic genius. Romanticism through the most emotionally disturbed vocals bleeding over ripples of precocious and crunchy sounds. I know this album won't be for everyone, and that's ok, but for me it doesn't get much better than this. I am intensely attached to these noises. Machines and humans are mourning together again and if I die tomorrow listen to this in my honor.
20. Midlake - The Trials Of Van Occupanther
Mopey pop ballads with a good story to tell. This album peeked my interest from the very first chords. Very reminiscent of older Radiohead, Keane, or Coldplay. This is pop done right.
19. Junior Boys - So This Is Goodbye
A very fluid album from track one to the next. Each track melting into each other. Junior Boys were not afraid to bring back the sound that made them so amazing on there debut cd. The beats aren't as great as "Last Exit" but the synths are right on par. Icy cooool.
18. Jimmy Edgar - Color Strip
The best minimal electronic music comes from Detroit, you should all know this by now. So I'm not really surprised about this album being on my list. Very sleazy/cheesy 80's bass synths skipping over IDM glitch. Very sexy and smooth. Great for dancing, sexual encounters, or just chilling out.
17. Miwon - Pale Glitter
There's something very interesting going on here with underground electronic label City Centre Offices. Mostly ambient and minimalistic electronics, but all very fresh sounding. Miwon is no exception to that either. Pale Glitter mixes some of the best ambient sounds with some of the cutest danceable electronic beats I've ever heard. Every other song on this album is different, but still uniform. Searching for a new "Dntel"?
16. Akron Family - Meek Warrior
There is a story to be told within this album. Ive got my version, you'll get yours. Free-form jazz collides with a psychedelic guitar mess and then blends back to rock. One of the most complex rock records I've heard in a while.
15. Matmos - The Rose Has Teeth In The Mouth Of A Beast
This is by far my favorite Matmos album, and I've loved nearly everything they've done. The concept behind this one is a little odd, but it makes for an interesting idea for songs. All the songs are written for famous gay people in history. Weird right? These guys are masters at sampling and creating sounds that have never been made. On this album they've created even more than I could have imagined. C'mon, a snail slithering past a light sensitive theremin!?
14. Home Video - No Certain Night Or Morning
Does anyone remember the late 90's bands Woven? Ok, How about; If you are a fan of Radiohead, Colder, or Sinner DC? Simplistic guitar riffs plucked over a very futuristic sounding atmosphere. Very clean/smooth sounding vocals speaking the future sound of pop.
13. Fujiya Miyagi - Transparent Things
Krautrock remixed by Colder. Could you ask for more? These guys are a couple of brits who love there japanese krautrock music so much they decided to pose as japanese themselves. Great dancey beats over catchy bass lines and quirky vocals. Seriously though, if you miss the sounds of Can, check these guys out.
12. Asobi Seksu - Citrus
The rebirth of shoegaze. I swear this is an album from the 90's era shoegaze period that must've been lost up until now. Acquired "cutesy" female japanese vocals sing and shout pop over guitar fuzz and synths thicker than blood. This is just great shoegaze in one of its peak forms. Citrus is very sweet indeed.
11. The Knife - Silent Shout
This is techno but it's good techno. With some extremely weird vibes going on. Sounds you don't normally place together are all in here. Warm and cool tones collide behind a woman not afraid of pitch shifting her voice. The duo that create these beats are an odd duo indeed and I cant wait to see how they progress in the future. Go Sweden.
10. Man Man - Six Demon Bag
"Bohemian Dance Rock" OR "Cartoon sounds colliding with: organs/cowbells/guitars/foot-stomping action-drums/shouting/and a terrific horns section-Music." How about a "new" sound creating an avant-garde rock gem. These guys have amazing energy live as well. Do yourself a favor, play this really loud in your house stereo and prepare to get happy.
9. Secret Machines - Ten Silver Drops
I really didn't like these guys at first, but a few listens later and I was hooked. There are a lot of comparisons to Pink Floyd, which ok sometimes, but no, not really. These guys have there own style going on as well. A very fresh sounding rock group playing some sounds of the 70's and today. These guys also sounded amazing live...you know, if your into that whole "wall of guitar sound" thingy. This is "psychedelic pop rock".
8. Joanna Newsom - Ys
Joanna Newsom grew up a lot on this album. On "Y's" Joanna Newsom introduces us to her harp in a new way, this time around with a full on orchestra. A "late 60's saturday morning cartoon sounding" orchestra. On her first album she was very playful and peppy. On this album she dives deeper into the lyrics and creates 10 minute mystical masterpieces of folklore. A" folk-opera" if you will.
7. Thom Yorke - The Eraser
If you like Radiohead's "Kid A" or "Amnesiac" consider this the "other-other" b-sides album. Very glitchy IDM beats saturated with Mr. Yorkes' sweet-sweet vocals. I only hope this is the beginning of him doing the solo thing. A must have for ANY Radiohead fan.
6. The Proposition - Original Soundtrack
Very sparse and haunting. Sets the mood perfectly for this dark-depressing western set in Australia written by Nick Cave. Minimalist violins plucked over beautiful piano, reverb drenched wind instruments, and a touch of eerie vocals. The piano gets me all the time. Dark and dreery, just the way I like my NIck Cave.
5. Burial - Burial
Dubstep is realtively new and I believe when/if it finally gets the credit it deserves this will be one of its crowning acheivements. Standard dub sounds transformed into "scifi/alienistic" beats. If Massive Attack could've followed up "Mezzanine" any better, it would've been this album. A must have for ANY electronic or dub fan.
4. Peter Bjorn and John - Writers Block
It's pop. Its shoegaze. Its freak folk. Its everything good about different music all rolled into one. I couldn't take this one out of my CD player for months. Every song different from the last. These guys are on to something really interesting. If you are looking for an extremely catchy album look no further.
3. Liars - Drums Not Dead
The drums never stop. And if you listen to this album all the way through every song connects with one another. The art never stops. The insanity that Liars create never stops. Liars create some very weird noises. Loud dance-punk-rock noises that never stop. Do not stop listening to this album.
2. Sinner DC - Mount Age
These guys are great. I feel bad for you (general public). Do yourself a favor and just listen to them already. You owe it to yourself to hear Sinner DC. Kitschy electronic beats over droning guitars and vocals. I wish people would read my lists for bands like these.
1. Midaircondo - Shopping For Images
This has to be one of the most beautifully-weird albums I've ever heard. This is three ladies from Sweden that create most of there own instruments and 100% there own style. Some of the sounds in Shopping For Images are very recognizable. Some are just plain wierd and freaky. Sparse pretty vocals on a few tracks. Some spoken word loops thrown over what sounds like scratching noises, etc. I wish I had all day to list the weird noises going on in this album. Classical music meets jazz meets surreal ambience. Type records are putting out some of the most amazing ambient music I've ever heard and these guys are right at the top of that list. This album in many ways is flawless.
10. Julien Neto - Le Fumeur de Ciel
You're in Paris, at a small cafe on a moon kissed sidewalk. Slight wind, warm tone. You're there all day with the following items; fine smokes, your favorite latte, headphones, a copy of Le Fumeur de Ciel, an open mind and a relaxed soul. You're listening adventure begins with liquid ambience melting over a broken piano. An "avant-garde" romantic ambient masterpiece. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret...beautiful ambience is good.
9. Faunts - High Expectations/Low Results
This was a late find on the internet. Its shoegaze, its psychedelic, its rock, its damn impressive. Track six is by far my favorite track from any artist this year. Rock structured guitars based from the late 70's battle it out with layered/spaced out keyboards from the 80s/90s. If you're in the mood to rock please give this a taste. And if you're obsessed with Innaway like I would expect you to be, then this was made for you.
8. Bitstream - Domestic Economy 7
Apparently this project was 10 years in the making. I'm not too sure on why, or even how a duo could focus so much time on one thing for so long, but it was worth it. "Hiccuped" style vocals complimenting harsh sub drops with nervous clicks. A real electronic gemm that might even make ole' Mr. James jealous.
7. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Hip-hip hooray!! The fun train has arrived! All aboard for David Byrne style vocals with 80's inspired new wave music accommodated by "Today's" indie rock.. next stop your new obsession..
6. Sinner DC - Arkle Parkle Avenue
Do you like Colder? Do you like Home Video? Do you like Radiohead? Do you like Boards of Canada? Do you like Sigur Ros? Do you like Mogwai? Do you like good music?
5. LCD Soundsystem - LCD Soundsystem
Dance, dance, Dance!! Booty shakin' music from the most simplistic keyboard arpeggiations ever. Brought to you by a guy who hasn't cleared his nose in 7 years. FUN FOR ANY PARTY EVENT. Seriously though, great dancing music. "This years !!!".
4. Animal Collective - Feels
B-R-I-L-L-I-A-N-T. Art/ingenuity has never been more apparent in any other music form.
3. Flotation Toy Warning - Bluffer's Guide To The Flight Deck
Surprise find at the record store I worked at. The name is what first struck me. At first listen I wasn't ready. Two listens later...absence made the heart grow fonder. Old "toy-like" pianos looped over tremolo drenched guitars. With a dash of truly bizarre vocal styling's. Great for any mood. You'll find it hard not to focus on every little element presented within.
2. Innaway - Innaway
Your'e welcome.
1. M83 - Before The Dawn Heals Us
Was this really that big of a surprise?? I had know idea how they were going to even come near to the greatness of Dead Cities.., but wow. This time one less member, a much more rock refurbished styling for M83. Vocals on nearly every track this time around as well. I wonder if these guys will ever make a bad cd?:(? ..eeps I'm dreading that day! Gorgeous synth/piano loops with a simplistic rock style. Very amazing piece. Flows together just as well as Dead Cities.. but this time around it brings those cities back to life. I listened to this CD twenty times in about five days, and now, every time I pick it up to re-listen to it..I do the same thing over and over.
10. !!! - Louden Up Now I bought this one on a whim, curiosity deffenitely killed me on this one. Once I put it in my CD player I found it pretty hard to take it out. Quite possibly one of the danciest CD's I've ever heard and an amazing live performance that goes along with it as well.
9. Secret Mommy - Mammal Class One of those hidden gems you find cruising along on the information super highway one day. Aphex Twin meets Matmos...only maybe better?
8. Muse -Absolution Wow, I think this one surprised a lot of us. I know a lot of people that say "That guy is just ripping off T. Yorke's vocals!" Whether he is or isn't, it all came together very beautifully. By far the most rocking album in the past few years. To me this is Jeff Buckley with a synthesizer and a full rock band. Track ten is "Absolut"ely amazing:)
7. Colder - Again I believe this one actually came out in 2003, but I didn't hear it until a summer road trip to Chicago to Cleveland to back home. Subtle synths, steady soothing vocals, meets straight forward/interesting drum loops. I couldn't put this one down for a two months! If you like Junior Boys, you should like this.
6. Lusine - Serial Hodgepodge Ghostly is by far my favorite record label out there right now. They put out the best american-electronic music. I believe I own literally every album on the label, and I have not been let down. This one came later in the year, and is simply amazing/sexy. Machines dancing in the garden of organics. Very ambient. Telefon Tel Aviv meets Aeroc.
5. Xiu Xiu - Fabulous Muscles Jamie Stewart is at his "artsy/fagcore" best on this one. I believe the story goes as so...girlfriend(maybe boyfriend) dies, parents die, brother dies, and yes, even the mans dog dies...ALL in the same year. From those experiences he wrote this album that is both elegant as well as haunting. You can actually feel his pain seeping through your speakers.
4. Solvent - Apples and Synthesizers Another Ghostly album. I had been waiting on this one for a little over a year and when it finally came out it certainly did not let me down. Synth-pop in it's most X-treme form. Imagine all those synthy/dorky sounds from 80's movies such as Revenge of the Nerds. Can you really overdose on sounds like those?? Pitchshifting is goood, thank you Jason A. for showing me the light that leads to robots.
3. Joanna Newsom - The Milk Eyed Mendor My first musical crush. Absolutely gorgeous and adorable. Mix Bjork with a five year old telling a story set to a folksy backdrop. Perfect for any day.
2. Junior Boys - Last Exit Everyone seems to be talking about this album. I never really checked it out untill I saw them open up for Mouse on Mars. I already had so many other groups I was getting into at the time that I never really gave these guys a chance. I was absolutely blown away by there live sound, enough to go purchase the album at the booth behind me. Yet another synth-pop band on my list. Very smooth, sexual, and sopihisticated sounding.
1. Efterklang -TripperI've only had this album for two weeks and I already know its going to be a classic for me. -- 'R-C' Dec 04
Mix Mum's electronic side with Cyann and Ben's vocal side, a sprinkle of Sigur Ros' album "Ba Ba Ti Ki Di Do", with a dash of a ten piece orchestra and there you have it. I sometimes wanna cry when I hear this album...someone hold me?
10. Matmos - The Civil War
Wow! Amazing noise from a terrifically noisy duo. Who also performs all of Bjork's electronics live. Is it a concept? Is it annoying? Or is it just patriotic?
9. Kill Memory Crash - When The Blood Turns Black
Just when I though industrial music was dead. Skinny Puppy VS Aphex Twin. Old school, harsh, danceable and fun I-N-D-U-S-T-R-I-A-L.
8. Empress - The Sounds They Made
The saddest notes are trinkling down your house as we speak. The saddest notes are held within clouds. This bands collaborative head is in the clouds...and they brought a four track with them.
7. Cyann and Ben - Spring
Like Sigur Ros only: sexy, French, warm, and cold. If your ears are in need of a hug, dont be hasty.
6. Hymies Basement - Hymies Basement
Fog/Why? collaboration. Ingenious electro-pop. Written by two men with the most amazing abilities in there field....which is antithetic talent. So catchy.
5. The Unicorns - Who Will Cut Our Hair When We Are Gone?
CATCHY-Morbid:(-Peppy:)-Lo-Fi-Canadian-Indie Rock. You won't be able to put this down for months. Seriously, I guarantee it.
4. Radiohead - Hail To The Thief
Rock at its best form. I was hoping for another Kid A, but hey I'll settle for some amazing rock as well. I saw them live on this tour and it was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had at any concert. I was in love that night and I wasn't even dating anyone.
3. The Postal Service - Give Up
So fun. So electronic. So indie. "The bridge." James Tamborello (Dntel) and Ben Gibbard (Death Cab) join forces on this monolith hit of an album. Songs about movie stars, apocalypse. and Love? Great for a happy spring day:o)
2. Fog - Ether Teeth
I've only connected with music the way I did with this album a few times. You know that feeling when you feel you've finally found a purpose to your many asked questions. Andrew Broder answered my thoughts with his cunning mixing of piano, scratching, acoustics, bizarre samples, beautiful bird calls, and his amazing broken voice. Art, better than Picasso.
1. M83 - Dead Cities, Red Seas, and Lost Ghosts
The most haunting/sad/soothing/rocking/spaced out experience I've ever had with any cd EVER. I don't think I will ever be able to put this one down. It touches me in all the right places. I've seen these guys twice now, and I'll see them more. Shoegazing for synth-tronic fans. The "end" begins with M83.
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