5.5 out of 10
Up until a few months ago, I've never heard and entire White Stripes album. To tell you the truth, I just didn't care. Nothing they did ever really grabbed me, but I decided to give them a fair chance. So out of sheer morbid curiosity, I acquired everything they have to the best of my knowledge, and have been picking it all apart, and my final thought... still bored.
For starters, I have friends who've hyped them up for some time now. So maybe I was waiting for some inevitable mind-blowing awesomeness, but the novelty of the significantly small number of band members (2) wore thin rather quick. Now they do try to spice it up a bit by tinkering with piano, xylophones, etc... And they do have some catchy up-tempo songs. But still. The only time I could see really getting into their music is if it were being blasted at a party by a distant unknown source or any other alcohol filled situation where simplicity suffices. Plus, not a fan of the vocals. To me, they just sound, dunno, kinda lazy?
I wish I could get a hold of Jack White, give him whiskey, extract the country undertones, slap him in the face and yell "QUIT FARTIN' AROUND!" Or I'll just go listen to Wolfmother.
"Get Behind Me Satan" in particular kicks off with a great up-beat rock song but follows up with a slow, beat-less pile of randomness with a few odd-time drum fills. Which in turn is followed up by another standout track. Which in turn is followed up with a dreary ballad, which in turn is followed up by another standout track, etc... (again, not a fan of inconsistency) If you really picked it apart, I'm sure almost anyone can find something they like in here. But it truly is hit and miss. Once I've soaked everything in, I think I'd be better off just burning a mix of their standouts and calling it a day.
Standout Tracks: Blue Orchid, My Doorbell, Little Ghost
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