9 out of 10
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I recently re-watched the David Lynch film "Lost Highway", this was my third time seeing it. I know why I keep coming back, and it's because I am so in-love with the soundtrack. But this time I wanted to try and focus on what is actually going on in the movie. I get it, I understand the plot, except for one part (the dude that videotapes everything).That aside, during one of the sex scenes between Patricia Arquette and Baltzar Getty, the one in the desert, I noticed a stunning/gorgeous gothic love anthem playing in the background. I knew this song wasn't on the soundtrack, but I also knew I had to find out who sang it. It didn't take a lot of research, as I knew it was either Cocteau Twins, or This Mortal Coil. Once I confirmed it was the latter half of the two I looked through my library and noticed the one TMC album I didn't have yet, "It'll End In Tears", was the one I was looking for. The track title is "Song To The Siren", track #2. I immediately downloaded the album, not knowing I was in for another pleasant surprise from goth/dream pop pioneers This Mortal Coil.
I love the other TMC albums, but this one may be my favorite. This album is very tight from start to finish. It has a good combination of both male and female vocals. It has wondrous layers of ethereal synths swishing and swirling over and under 80s industrial-pop beats and experimental guitar loops. It'll End In Tears is a good representation of what an amazing label once stood for (4AD). "Not me", a great poppy track, is the only song I feel that doesn't fit well with the rest of the album. But it's a good song none the less.
Let this album take you to a realm of dreams, romance, an maybe other celestial environments. Snuggle up to your significant other and prepare to fall in love with each other more so than ever before. This is quite a beautiful experience you should not miss out on. This is gorgeous goth/dream pop for the romantic in all of us.
Standout Tracks: Song To The Siren, Kangaroo, Fyt, Fond Affections, Baramundi
Oh me Oh my, I rhapstudied this album upon your review and i like it alot. I too want to have sex in the desert now albeit not with Baltazar Getty. I adore the moody vocals of 1987.