Sunday, December 14, 2008

REVIEW: Guitar - Sunkissed

9 out of 10

Buy a pair of headphones folks, cause this sonabitch is going to please your ears the way you thought only a cheap hooker could. Guitar is pseudonym of one Michael Luckner, and man does he love his layers and layers of sound. Every track on this album has a thick gorgeous ethereal sound. If, "No space shall be wasted" is his motto, he executes it with brilliance. Most of the music seems to be made with a guitar, but it's twisted, warped, wrapped, and played back words. The "studio as an instrument" ideal is definitely present here. A simple drum machine taps out the beat, and singers Donna Regina and Ayako Akashiba provide a poppy, if not cute element. If I have one complaint about this album, it'd be it's length. Seven songs and a remix!? God, I swear it's not enough. Luckily Guitar have four other albums, and this is only the first. I really have to wonder how his sound has developed considering it's already so mature. "House Full Of Time", originally on a Slowdive compilation album, will be appearing on my mix CD's until I stop making them.

Bottom Line: Buy this CD, don't wait, if you love shoegaze, soft pop, and dreamy lush noise, you have to own this.

Standout Tracks: House Full of Time, See Sea, Bee And Me, Hot Sun Trail

1 comment:

  1. I 100% agree with this post. Sunkissed is a solid album from start to finish. And I can't wait for my copies of other Guitar albums to come in the mail to write more reviews. I could put this album in the top 10 albums of previous years that have severly impressed me.
