"..Pop music doesn't always have to be about "sunshine & happiness", sometimes you have to except and absorb those darker moments to be truly happy..."

Vigor For The Dismal
Masquer Bio:
Masquer entwine lonesome, broken guitar lines drowned in chorus with beautiful teen angst vocals and catchy synthesizers backed by lofi drum machines. They remind you of your favorite 80’s mixtape, and it hits you right there, like they’re channeling that poetic pop love from your past. Rough Trade/G-Records will be distributing the self released, long awaited debut album which is out during the fall 2011. The album is produced by mastermind Per Egland and mixed by Björn Hansell (Streetwaves, Fever Ray). The split-singles include remixes by Swedish-German techno act The Field and Swedish electronica artist Andreas Tilliander. The Stockholm located duo has performed frequently the past year and also toured as opening acts for artists like The Field and Asha Ali.
Masquer is Kicki Halmos (vocals/synthesizer/programming) and Pelle Lundqvist (bass/guitar).

Hello, how are you?
We’re great! On our way to Gothenburg to do a show.
What are you currently listening to?
Kicki: Julianna Barwick, King Krule and Oneohtrix Point Never.
Pelle: Led Er Est, Bon Iver, Neon Indian and Beach House
Whats the story with the band name?
There is no story really. Just a name we took. It always hard to find a decent band name that's not taken. Masquer (a participant in a masquerade) was just something that sounded good and we somehow could
relate to.
Who were/are your biggest influences when it came to sculpting your current sound?
Everything between Madonna, The Cure, Sonic Youth, Blonde Redhead and PJ Harvey.
Is there a theme on on your debut LP?
Visually, chopped up body parts. Music wise, we just wrote songs as they arrived in our heads without any set theme, but now when the album is finished I guess you could say a common theme would be darkness.
If you could collaborate with any artist of your choosing to do a completely "different sounding" side project, whom would it be with and what kind of sound would you aim for?
Kicki: I would like to do something with Cylob, something that sounds like his Synclair remix. That would be so awesome!
Pelle: Crystal Castles would be cool, I'm really in to that type of sound for the moment, I love them. Or Aphex Twin, that would be cool too..
Whats next for you guys?
We’re gonna play at the Norwegian festival By:Larm which will be great. Also we’ll do a small tour in France by the end of March and we’re really looking forward to it. And we are working on getting a release outside Scandinavia.
Got any strange/obscure talents?
Kicki: I am very good at walking really fast.
Pelle: I am a slow walker, but I’m somewhat of a computer wiz.
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
Kicki: This question makes me depressed. I don’t think I can answer it.
Pelle: This would be such a nightmare, I really can't choose... but if I have to choose I think I would say the latest Bon Iver album, even though I would die if that was the only thing I could listen to.
Are you living your dream?
Kicki: By living the dream do you mean making music? It’s not really a dream, more of a necessity. Like breathing. It sounds pretentious, I know, but that’s how it feels.
Pelle: Yeah, In a way I think I am, I mean I love doing music and its always been a dream to make a proper release and that dream is just happening. I have never felt more into music and its just getting better.
Thanx Pelle & Kicki!
Masquer are currently touring Europe, hopefully someday the US will catch on to this band because we owe it to ourselves to witness this act live:)...
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