"..more than just "prolific Indie (Bedroom) Pop" ..an any insanely talented human being with an ear for finely tuned audial balladry.."

Porcelain Raft
Adept Chamber Virtuoso
Porcelain Raft Bio:
'Strange Weekend' is Porcelain Raft's debut record, yet in many ways it's his 156th.
Somewhere in New York, Rome, or maybe London, there is a suitcase full of tapes, minidiscs and CDs — days and days worth of music, all of it the result of Mauro Remiddi's 27 years of travels across Europe — from his native Italy to London; of caravaning with the Berlin Youth Circus playing traditional gypsy Klezmer music; of reinterpreting traditional music in North Korea; and of a stint playing piano for an Off Broadway tap dance show. At this point, Remiddi has lived three musicians' lifetimes.

Hello, how are you?
Fine thanks
What are you currently listening to?
These days I'm listening to Robert Ashley, 'Private Parts' and 'Celestial Excursions'.
Is there a story behind the band name?
I just liked the two words together. When I told my best friend about it he said 'how can a raft made of porcelain float?...'. That moment I realized that was the name I was looking for. If not water ,where is the raft made of porcelain floating on? If you are not cynical and have imagination at that question your brain will start wondering.
Care to shed some light on your debut full length..theme/recording process/etc.?
I composed and recorded all the songs in two months in a basement in Brooklyn. 'Backwords' was the only song which I composed before the session started. It's a snapshot of me in a precise moment, I had just moved to NY and I could feel a big adventure started. I guess the title 'Strange Weekend' reflect the fact that this is nothing about 'forever' or 'infinite'. It's a short time frame where lots of emotions passed by.
Who were/are your biggest influences when it came to sculpting your sound?
Hard to tell really, I think the real influences are elements which belong to you naturally , which you don't decide on a table 'oh let's sound like this'. Of course I have influences but they are there despite my will. I'm interested in expressing my emotions, I don't care if it sounds like Muddy Water. I'm not interested in creating something new either. All I care is where it comes from.
Do you have a favorite song on your debut?
It changes every week, right now is 'The Way In'.
If you could collaborate with any artist of your choosing, whom would it be with and why?
I would say unless I don't meet the person and we both decide it could be fun to collaborate, I wouldn't do it. Music is such a personal thing. In general I don't like to jam, I don't like to get together and experiment. Actually I never really experimented, I just trying to describe a painting which is already in front of me.
Any side projects/collabs we should know about?
If I will ever create a side project it will be so secret than nobody will ever know that is me. It could happen...
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
I would like to listen to Bach. Something recorded by Glen Gould.
Are you living your dream?
I started living my dream when I was 10! Staying in my room, playing piano, recording fake radio programs with my portable cassette recorder...lots of things happened since then but It feels I never really stopped.
Thanx Mauro and Judy!
Porcelain Raft is currently touring Europe (with M83!) followed by a US tour shortly after, check those dates HERE...

Porcelain Raft
Adept Chamber Virtuoso
Porcelain Raft Bio:
'Strange Weekend' is Porcelain Raft's debut record, yet in many ways it's his 156th.
Somewhere in New York, Rome, or maybe London, there is a suitcase full of tapes, minidiscs and CDs — days and days worth of music, all of it the result of Mauro Remiddi's 27 years of travels across Europe — from his native Italy to London; of caravaning with the Berlin Youth Circus playing traditional gypsy Klezmer music; of reinterpreting traditional music in North Korea; and of a stint playing piano for an Off Broadway tap dance show. At this point, Remiddi has lived three musicians' lifetimes.

Hello, how are you?
Fine thanks
What are you currently listening to?
These days I'm listening to Robert Ashley, 'Private Parts' and 'Celestial Excursions'.
Is there a story behind the band name?
I just liked the two words together. When I told my best friend about it he said 'how can a raft made of porcelain float?...'. That moment I realized that was the name I was looking for. If not water ,where is the raft made of porcelain floating on? If you are not cynical and have imagination at that question your brain will start wondering.
Care to shed some light on your debut full length..theme/recording process/etc.?
I composed and recorded all the songs in two months in a basement in Brooklyn. 'Backwords' was the only song which I composed before the session started. It's a snapshot of me in a precise moment, I had just moved to NY and I could feel a big adventure started. I guess the title 'Strange Weekend' reflect the fact that this is nothing about 'forever' or 'infinite'. It's a short time frame where lots of emotions passed by.
Who were/are your biggest influences when it came to sculpting your sound?
Hard to tell really, I think the real influences are elements which belong to you naturally , which you don't decide on a table 'oh let's sound like this'. Of course I have influences but they are there despite my will. I'm interested in expressing my emotions, I don't care if it sounds like Muddy Water. I'm not interested in creating something new either. All I care is where it comes from.
Do you have a favorite song on your debut?
It changes every week, right now is 'The Way In'.
If you could collaborate with any artist of your choosing, whom would it be with and why?
I would say unless I don't meet the person and we both decide it could be fun to collaborate, I wouldn't do it. Music is such a personal thing. In general I don't like to jam, I don't like to get together and experiment. Actually I never really experimented, I just trying to describe a painting which is already in front of me.
Any side projects/collabs we should know about?
If I will ever create a side project it will be so secret than nobody will ever know that is me. It could happen...
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
I would like to listen to Bach. Something recorded by Glen Gould.
Are you living your dream?
I started living my dream when I was 10! Staying in my room, playing piano, recording fake radio programs with my portable cassette recorder...lots of things happened since then but It feels I never really stopped.
Thanx Mauro and Judy!
Porcelain Raft is currently touring Europe (with M83!) followed by a US tour shortly after, check those dates HERE...
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