"..it(music)'s all just pleasurable/odd & peculiar noises anyways.."

Kría Brekkan
Fascinating Anomaly
Kría Brekkan Bio:
Kristín Anna Valtýsdóttir (aka Kría Brekkan, born January 5, 1982) is an Icelandic vocalist and classically trained multi-instrumentalist. She is best known as a former frontperson of Múm, and later on for collaborating with former husband David Portner as Avey Tare & Kría Brekkan.
In late 2006, Kristín acknowledged that she had left Múm in the beginning of that year, and published an open letter briefly describing her thoughts on the matter.
Kristín is currently a member of Stórsveit Nix Noltes, and has recorded and played live with Slowblow. She appeared on records by Mice Parade and on Animal Collective's Feels (on which she is credited as "Doctess").
Kristín recorded and mixed the Black Habit LP by Rings (featuring ex-members of First Nation). She appeared on the cover of Belle & Sebastian's 2000 Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like a Peasant LP with her twin sister, Gyða. In 2006 she did a Take-Away Show video session shot by Vincent Moon. She has been chosen by Animal Collective to perform at the All Tomorrow's Parties festival that they will curate in May 2011.
Kristín lives in Iceland now. She is divorced from her husband, David Portner. The separation had partially inspired Avey Tare's solo album 'Down There'.

Hello, how are you?
I'm good thank you.
What are you currently listening to?
Right now, James Blake, and this very minimal record 'Cosmogen' by Trapezina, very relaxing and atmospheric. But also been checking out Andy Stott, and this kid Shlohmo. I've been listening a lot to this classical radio station that plays continued music without telling us what it is. I like it minimal. Live I seek out very different music then at home, and the best things I've seen in Iceland lately is Muck and Catarpillarmen. Also Tune-yards when they came here. But many never come to play Iceland.
We're all wondering, any new music on the way (hopefully an LP)?
There will be. Other things are currently occupying me. But it´s been ready for a while. Its not that new actually but a story from when I lived in New York. I mostly improvise now or write music for some strange specifics. But there is music, I prepared to be released and still hope it will and then some more.
Are you signed to a label or will it be independently released?
It'll be an independent release I think.
Who were/are your biggest influences when it came to sculpting your voice/music?
My mother, she sang all the time for us. My dad would also sing but usually it was at gatherings of people. Every travel with my sisters as a kid, we'd sing everything we'd know and repeated it if not yet at the destination. But I didn't really think i could sing when I was a teenager, Gunni and Örvar (Múm) made me do it. There wasn't even much of voice there then, I was terribly shy and fearful. But I came to absolutely love singing, by just doing so, it happens on its own when I walk alone, the range has stressed from heaven to hell. I know it is childish but when it comes to other artists I really have no idea of anyone that might have influenced my voice greatly.I'd rather blame the weather, my surrounding, the noises of the world and the silence I sometimes find within.
I love the album you did with Avey Tare a while back (especially after I reversed it), was there a specific reason for that record reversed sound?
Had something to do with returning back to the womb. And being aborted.
If you could collaborate with any artist of your choosing, whom would it be with and what kind of sound would you aim for?
I sing with a young boy named Indriði sometimes, he plays in a interesting band called Muck and draws. It's in a very exploration space yet, very primitive sounding but with potential of becoming performative. It's unlike any music I've heard people make, and I guess that´s what I'd be aiming for if aiming was atoll.
What movie would work best on mute with your music?
I made a 3-4 minute score to the scene in Wizard Of Oz when Dorothy and friends come out of the woods and see the Emerald Palace for the first time. They run through poppy fields, encounter the Bad Witch and the Good Fairy, snow and thaw, cry and laughter, then trot towards the Emerald Palace of the Wizard.
I've also been working with film maker Guy Maddin, bringing music and narration to a film performances of his. Its a cool collaboration.
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
I'm too literal to answer this question.
Are you living your dream?
I'm in a hospital right now and someone is watching X-factor. It´s not exactly my dream scenario, but I had an intense deja-vu incident here yesterday, so who knows, I might have dreamt this.. On another lever, I live by the ocean now and I dreamt of it yesterday and it was pink and bulging and nurturing and hypnotized me from other pains of reality. And fewest of them are mine. I think 'dream' is like the ocean and until I grow gills I'm not sure I'm suppose to live there.
Thanx Kría!
Kría is currently looking at getting here next full length out there, hopefully soon as I have a craving for some "weird"...

Kría Brekkan
Fascinating Anomaly
Kría Brekkan Bio:
Kristín Anna Valtýsdóttir (aka Kría Brekkan, born January 5, 1982) is an Icelandic vocalist and classically trained multi-instrumentalist. She is best known as a former frontperson of Múm, and later on for collaborating with former husband David Portner as Avey Tare & Kría Brekkan.
In late 2006, Kristín acknowledged that she had left Múm in the beginning of that year, and published an open letter briefly describing her thoughts on the matter.
Kristín is currently a member of Stórsveit Nix Noltes, and has recorded and played live with Slowblow. She appeared on records by Mice Parade and on Animal Collective's Feels (on which she is credited as "Doctess").
Kristín recorded and mixed the Black Habit LP by Rings (featuring ex-members of First Nation). She appeared on the cover of Belle & Sebastian's 2000 Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like a Peasant LP with her twin sister, Gyða. In 2006 she did a Take-Away Show video session shot by Vincent Moon. She has been chosen by Animal Collective to perform at the All Tomorrow's Parties festival that they will curate in May 2011.
Kristín lives in Iceland now. She is divorced from her husband, David Portner. The separation had partially inspired Avey Tare's solo album 'Down There'.

Hello, how are you?
I'm good thank you.
What are you currently listening to?
Right now, James Blake, and this very minimal record 'Cosmogen' by Trapezina, very relaxing and atmospheric. But also been checking out Andy Stott, and this kid Shlohmo. I've been listening a lot to this classical radio station that plays continued music without telling us what it is. I like it minimal. Live I seek out very different music then at home, and the best things I've seen in Iceland lately is Muck and Catarpillarmen. Also Tune-yards when they came here. But many never come to play Iceland.
We're all wondering, any new music on the way (hopefully an LP)?
There will be. Other things are currently occupying me. But it´s been ready for a while. Its not that new actually but a story from when I lived in New York. I mostly improvise now or write music for some strange specifics. But there is music, I prepared to be released and still hope it will and then some more.
Are you signed to a label or will it be independently released?
It'll be an independent release I think.
Who were/are your biggest influences when it came to sculpting your voice/music?
My mother, she sang all the time for us. My dad would also sing but usually it was at gatherings of people. Every travel with my sisters as a kid, we'd sing everything we'd know and repeated it if not yet at the destination. But I didn't really think i could sing when I was a teenager, Gunni and Örvar (Múm) made me do it. There wasn't even much of voice there then, I was terribly shy and fearful. But I came to absolutely love singing, by just doing so, it happens on its own when I walk alone, the range has stressed from heaven to hell. I know it is childish but when it comes to other artists I really have no idea of anyone that might have influenced my voice greatly.I'd rather blame the weather, my surrounding, the noises of the world and the silence I sometimes find within.
I love the album you did with Avey Tare a while back (especially after I reversed it), was there a specific reason for that record reversed sound?
Had something to do with returning back to the womb. And being aborted.
If you could collaborate with any artist of your choosing, whom would it be with and what kind of sound would you aim for?
I sing with a young boy named Indriði sometimes, he plays in a interesting band called Muck and draws. It's in a very exploration space yet, very primitive sounding but with potential of becoming performative. It's unlike any music I've heard people make, and I guess that´s what I'd be aiming for if aiming was atoll.
What movie would work best on mute with your music?
I made a 3-4 minute score to the scene in Wizard Of Oz when Dorothy and friends come out of the woods and see the Emerald Palace for the first time. They run through poppy fields, encounter the Bad Witch and the Good Fairy, snow and thaw, cry and laughter, then trot towards the Emerald Palace of the Wizard.
I've also been working with film maker Guy Maddin, bringing music and narration to a film performances of his. Its a cool collaboration.
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
I'm too literal to answer this question.
Are you living your dream?
I'm in a hospital right now and someone is watching X-factor. It´s not exactly my dream scenario, but I had an intense deja-vu incident here yesterday, so who knows, I might have dreamt this.. On another lever, I live by the ocean now and I dreamt of it yesterday and it was pink and bulging and nurturing and hypnotized me from other pains of reality. And fewest of them are mine. I think 'dream' is like the ocean and until I grow gills I'm not sure I'm suppose to live there.
Thanx Kría!
Kría is currently looking at getting here next full length out there, hopefully soon as I have a craving for some "weird"...
I Had been wondering what she had been up too. hopefully she will produce something new soon. love her music.