7 out of 10
Surfing the net these days it's not that hard to come across a band giving their album away for FREE. (Although it can be a feat to find a good one.) One day while doing a search for said albums I came across Space Ghost's "Pyramid Dreams" which mixes trippy/somewhat wobbly IDM/outer space slow-mo disco inferno sounds with hints of Sci-Fi and a few other "un-earthly"/ experimental sounds.
During your "Pyramid Dreams" listening pleasure you may experience an over whelming feeling of transformation. While listening to "Pyramid Dreams" I experienced the sensation of returning to my TV infatuated teenager years taking a history lesson trough the bowels of space. Mr. Ghost has a way with transforming your current state of mind/environment and the simplest sounds/samples/beats into something that would only sound "normal" between the snuggest headphones worn by a properly intoxicated astronaut. IDM is the general "tone", but with a "good" IDM album comes genre bouncing and with "Pyramid Dreams" that's exactly what you get. Ambient/Chill? Maybe. But the album also offers generous amounts of Dub, "out there" TV samples, Chip Tune, Modern Psychedelia, and truly solid production. It's kind of amazing this artist isn't signed to the likes of Warp, Ghostly, and/or
Ghost Box by now. Perhaps soon?
Fans of Spacey/Dubby/IDM/ and/or Flying Lotus you may flip over this. Recommended.
Standout Tracks: Broken Beak, Space Bitch, Theme::Intermission (love the time change on this one--reminds me of Boards of Canada a lil), Barbie (mmhmm, some good Chip Tune here), Untitled, Slow And Dirty