Monday, October 18, 2010

EIC'S10Q'S w/Space Ghost

"..transforming your current state of mind/environment and the simplest sounds/samples/beats into something that would only sound "normal" between the snuggest headphones worn by a properly intoxicated astronaut.."

Space Ghost
Anesthetized Alien Broadcaster

Space Ghost Bio:
Space Ghost is Sudi Wachspress, based out of Oakland, CA. Since 2009 Space Ghost has released a slew of songs online (all of which are free). Space Ghost just released his most accomplished work to date "Pyramid Dreams". An impressive debut LP with Spacey/Dubby vibes reminiscent of Flying Lotus.

Hello, how are you?
Just peachy..

What are you currently listening to?
Well, my roommate and I were just listening to Fleet Foxes, but in general I find myself constantly playing Balam Acab, Teebs, Lone, James Blake, and the list goes on depending on my mood..

Is “Space Ghost” a reference to the sound you create OR ..?

Nahh..I think about a year ago or so, before I really knew how to create a beat, I downloaded a video of the original Space Ghost cartoon. I had just downloaded a trial version of Ableton and I dropped the video into the program and saved the whole project as Space Ghost. So I guess that's was where it came from..

Your style reminds me of Flying Lotus gone a little more “Sci-Fi”, was that the kind of atmosphere you were going for?

I have definitely listened to Flying Lotus a lot in the past year, so it could have possibly been influencing me. I'd like to say I'm still experimenting, so the songs come out sounding completely different to me every time and I never really had a set sound for the album.

What do you mean by “Pyramid Dreams”?

I passed a sign in SoCal when driving up north, and saw a sign for some lake called, "Pyramid Lake," and I thought the name sounded kind of cool. When I got back I made a doodle of some pyramids with the title Pyramid Lake. I later started more doodles* in the sketch book, and named a different one Pyramid Dreams. It seemed like a cool concept or idea in comparison with the doodle. After that, I decided that it should be my album name.
*Editors Note: See above picture for doodle examples

Why did you decide to give your album away for free?
Because no one wants to buy an album these days, let alone an album from someone they haven't heard before. I guess right now its more about the music rather than the money. (because there is no money ha..)

Do you plan on touring for the album?
My touring for this album is biking to school, humming my songs..

What’s your least favorite genre in current music?
Lady Gaga, and her shitty radio pop music, and most anything like that..I just don't buy into that shit..

You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?

Dannng..I'd say "Explosions in Sky", All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone..But that's a tough question so I say that purely on the spot..But on the other end of the spectrum I'd say "Boards of Canada," Geogaddi", or "Music Has The Right To Children"..both extremely good.

Are you living your dream?
Dream? I suppose I'm living something.

Thanx Sudi!

Space Ghost just released his "Pyramid Dreams" LP FOR FREE, you should go HERE and enjoy it.

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