This is Polly Scattergood's debut album off of Mute Records which, if you've ever wondered, what PJ Harvey/Tori Amos/Charlotte Gainsbourg inspired vocals would sound like with a M83-esque synth sounds and upbeat sometimes depressing pop music you will no longer have to live in the dark. Polly Scattergood is a 20 something year old female living in England. Her version of Pop music is both gloomy and cute, and, she will soon be one of the queens of the Indie Pop circuit or horribly overlooked (my money's on the queen).
Polly Scattergood fuses elements of Pop Rock guitars, up beat bass lines, epic marching drum anthems, swaying piano melodies, electronic samples, spacey synths, and cutesy female vocals that are both harmonious and spoken words of youthful wisdom. The first half of the album is a little more Indie Pop Rock-ish, the second half is a little more spacey and electronic. You'll know what I mean when you come up to the album's standout track "I Am Strong", which consists of a spacey synth line, a 4 count kick, and Ms. Scattergoods adorable vocals. The epic builds in "Poem Song" are quite gorgeous and somewhat powerful too. You're ears will have a pretty solid experience from beginning to end of the whole release. Although I think I like the gloomy/spacey sounds towards the end a little more. Either way do not pass this one up. Listen to at least a couple tracks and I am sure you will become instantly hooked.
It's always sad to hear of someone going through a lot of pain and heart ache, but for Polly Scattergood it may have worked out well. Because without all of that heart ache and pain we probably wouldn't have that intense emotional drive that each and every noise/lyric delivers. I am definitely curious about the future of this artist. RECOMMENDED.
Standout Tracks: Untitled 27, I Am Strong (daaaamn catchy), Unforgiving Arms, Poem Song (great song), Bunny Club(LOVE the synths in this one, "fluffy m83"), Nitrogen Pink, Breathe In Breathe Out (nice piano ballad)
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