Back in January EIC reviewed "up and comer" Banjo Or Freakout's debut single "Mr No/Someone Great". Banjo Or Freakout play "abstract" Indie Pop/Freak Folk music that is comparable to Animal Collective/Panda Bear. Today, May 12th, is the release of BOF's debut EP "Upside Down". Although it follows along the same lines as the previously mentioned single, "Upside Down" also has a stronger focus on production and sonic experimentations with saturated sounds.
"Upside Down" begins with a distant piano twinkle drowning in guitar fuzz and is followed shortly by Alessio Andalusia's soothing vocal ability as well as a faint, but effective synthesized loops. As the strumming continues the fuzz builds on top of itself over and over. Towards the end of the song the whole thing is completely buried underneath angelic hums of reverb. Track 2, "The Week Before", continues with the "moist" effects swishing and swirling over and under tribal drums and distorted guitar effects. Definitely one of the albums standout's. Most songs follow along the same path, "small" sounds, with a sample added here and there, build and build and then phase in and out of reverberations/distortions. Even the remix of "Mr No" by Allez Allez has it's place among these "campfire" tales. It's minimal/trance-like sound is sure to keep the listeners feet tapping to the beat.
It seems with all of the Animal Collective fans/followers out there that this artist would be getting the attention it deserves by now. But I can almost guarantee that when a full length album comes out, and the "right people (such as Bloc Party, whom they just did a remix for)" get their hands on it, the buzz will begin. Don't jump on this band wagon before it's too late. RECOMMENDED.
Standout Tracks: Upside Down, The Week Before, Like You (sounds like a "Merriweather Post Pavilion" lost track), I And Always, This City Is A Fake, Mr No (Allez Allez Remix)..that's all of em'..
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