Sunday, May 3, 2009

REVIEW: Blank Dogs - The Fields

6.5 out of 10

Another great Lo-Fi band for the collection. "The Fields" is one of the many releases Blank Dogs put out in 2008 (another new album coming soon). Although Blank Dogs is plural, it is only one man. "Mr. Blank Dog" as he goes by, prefers to stay anonymous and tends to cover his face during pictures/interviews. His sound, however, will not remain hidden. Once the "right" people discover this artist they will instantly be hooked. "The Fields" is that lost New Wave recording your neighbor made in his basement during the mid 80's. After dusting it off new sounds presented themselves and he decided it was finally time to release it into the wild.

Mr. Blank Dog creates all of the sounds for Blank Dogs using a four track recorder, vintage keyboards, electric guitar, drum machine sounds, and what sounds like a wave distortion x/y pedal. The songs are simple and extremely effective. Sounds like Salem, sounds like Joy Division, sounds like a better Wavves meets Cold Cave, sounds good to me.

If you're looking for the perfect Lo-Fi / New Wave hybrid, look no further.

Standout Tracks: Passing The Light, All Photographs

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