6.75 out of 10
Pan American is Marl Nelson from Labradford's solo ambient project. "White Bird Release" is Pan American's 6th studio album. "White Bird Release" fits rather nicely onto the Kranky label.
"White Bird Release" is "dreamy/gentle/misty" guitars swimming and drowning in an ocean of static, white noises, slightly audible jazz style drumming, minimal synths, and Mr. Nelson's "Slow-core/down tempo" vocals on certain tracks. Each track on this album flows, swishes, splashes, and dissolves into the next. This is a super laid back "Krautrock" kind of approach to acoustic ambient music. At certain points I am reminded of Neu, Brian Eno (Thursday Afternoon), or even label mates Valet & White Rainbow.
"White Bird Release", although may not be my favorite Pan American release, is still quite serene and content. It does feel a little more "empty" compared to previous efforts. But it may just be the "micro" approach that Mark Nelson was looking to do with this release. If this will be your first Pan American release please be sure to check out "Quiet City" and "360 Business/360 Bypass". Do not think twice about buying this purchase if you're at all a Kranky/Labradford/ambient music fan.
Standout Tracks: There Can Be No Thought Of Finishing, Both Literally And Figuratively, So That No Matter, There Is Always The Thrill Of Just Beginning, Dr. Robert Goddard, In A Letter To H.G. Wells 1932
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