A couple weeks ago EIC showed you(maybe you found it on your own) where to download the New FREE Azeda Booth EP titled "Tubtrek". "Tubtrek" is eight tracks long. ..Four new, and four remixes from "In Flesh Tones". How does it compare to 2008's #2 Album Of The Year?
Azeda Booth still maintain the charisma and charm that makes their version of "Indie Electronic" music so unique. Most of the songs on here sound like "B-Sides" or songs that didn't quite match the standard of the regular "In Flesh Tones" tracks. Odd samples, clicks/cuts, odd(er) time signatures, soothing male vocals(which sometimes sound feminine) that generally carry the melody, minimal acoustics, and stunning keyboards. Overall, if you're a fan of Azeda Booth, you won't be let down by "Tubtrek". You may not think of it as highly as "In Flesh Tones", but come on.., "In Flesh Tones" was nigh perfect.
PAY ATTENTION: "Tubtrek" is FREE, and it's good, and if you're at all a fan of Junior Boys, Boards Of Canada, Mum, or IDM/Experimental Electronic music give this album a go. I write reviews to get bands like these noticed.
Standout Tracks: Neonate, Samoan Girls, Squall, In Red (Goodhands Team Mix), Well (Refilled And Set In Sand), Big Fists (Secret Mommy Mix)
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