8.5 out of 10
Unison represent all the best traits of a well-rounded darker/more atmospherically inclined musician with just the right amount of angelic "Pop" influence. They are certainly a breath of fresh/morbid air compared to some of the other more morose Electronic acts out there. Witch House may be what they are classified as, but from talking to the band I hear they prefer "Death Gaze"..that seems more fitting to me as well (as both comparison and a concept).
"A creepy fairytale" might describe Unison's album intro, but before the darkness engulfs you too deep a loud pulsing/swirling Neo Raver-esque (think Ritualz) synth sound comes in and just destroys any scary emotions you should have with intense sound. That motion sort of remains apparent/the same throughout the album's entirety; dark & creepy meets harsh/intense layered delicious synthetic melodies and (Gothic) pretty female vocals. To put it simply; Unison sound a lot like Salem (sans the "Hip Hop" element) with a touch of Black Metal, Industrial, Atmospheric Shoegaze, AaND a few "Crystal Castle and/or Ladytron-isms". You know I love the previously mentioned genres, and in my opinion these are amazing acts to be compared to, and because of that pulling all of these elements together is always gonna equal success in these headphones. The cover for this album works pretty well, but I would love to see the look on a Metal guys face when he randomly buys a "cool looking" "Metal" album and gets home to listen to this.. actually he'd probably be pleased (as long as he was open minded enough I suppose). This could be one of the better Dark Electronic acts I've come across in the past year..
Perfectly murky and bitter. HIunisonthanksforsharingGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Standout Tracks: ALL. Esp; Lost Generation, Brothers & Sisters, Darkness (Unison's acclamation), Put Your Hands In The Air
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