"..Dream Pop is the easiest way of putting it I suppose, but you could also say Indie Rock-Electronic-Ambient-Bizarro-Spacey awesomeness.."

Rebecca Peake
Proliferant Nonpareil Fantasia
Rebecca Peake Bio:
Rebecca Peake isn't a girl, but rather group of musicians working together to put out a song a day for a year. Most of the songs are done by James Webster, and his musical cohort of tech honors. Their sound can vary almost every other day from Shoegaze/Dream Pop to Indie Rock to Ambient Space Bliss and everything else in between. Currently the band has three albums (all of which are FREE on their bandcamp). And yes, those albums are on top of all the songs they will release everyday for one whole year.

Hello, how are you?
Fantastic, and overwhelmed! You'd be surprised how hard a song-a-day project can hit your social life.
What are you currently listening to?
Oh there's been a lot of great stuff coming out recently. One of my all time favorites, The Caretaker, just put out a new album called "An Empty Bliss Beyond This World" - sampled loops of ballroom music and early jazz manipulated to simulate a mind fading into Alzheimer's. The new Kreng album, "Grimoire" is amazing too - albeit so intensely dark it's almost a caricature. Ludicrously brooding - but really really irresistible. And of course ELO. Always ELO...
Care to elaborate on the name?
Rebecca Peake is, well, my name. Not given name, but a pseudonym formed by combining two of the key influences in starting the song-a-day project. One part an author known for a hyper-descriptive style, who had an ambition to write a book that followed nearly every day of a person's life. The other part is a musician, famous for dry lyrics focusing on all the mundane actions and decisions of a single day.
When/where did you get idea for the "366" concept?
Well I had the idea in March, but knew that it would have to start at the beginning of a month. So the first song, "Smile, Philadelphia!" ended up being written and posted on April fools day. I guess I like the idea of instead of a perfect 365 song cycle, it would be a weird 366 - all thrown off balance by a song posted for a day known for pranks. 366 also looks like it might be some sort of satanic code too...
What's your favorite track of Rebecca's so far?
It's a little hard to choose just one! Favorites include In The Park, She Is Losing Her Memory, The Reconstruction, Corner Of The Universe, Is This It... just too many great ones!
Will you be touring for all of these releases?
Yes, eventually. Maybe after the 366 song cycle, maybe before. For now just keeping up with the songs everyday is exhausting enough, the shows are coming though!
If you could collaborate with any artist of your choosing whom would it be with?
Julia Hummer. The voice... a bleak honestly filled with rich, rounded edges of shadow. It sounded incredible against the Shoegaze guitars on Pluramon's "The Monstorous Surplus" - really giving Julee Cruise a run for her money. I think she's retired now or something, but the world is empty without her voice.
The best time to listen to Rebecca Peake is ______?
on the way to a kill.
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
"Loveless"? Yeah, "Loveless" - OR The Caretaker's "Stairway To The Stars". Those albums have more depth than Mariner Valley - infinite bliss. Or, of course, my new RP album "Dalmation II" is available now:)!
Are you living your dream?
Every single day. I'm floating.
Thanx James!
Rebecca Peake is currently working on their "366" project, which is where they offer one new song a day for an entire year..(yeah, pretty prolific right?)
Rebecca Peake
Proliferant Nonpareil Fantasia
Rebecca Peake Bio:
Rebecca Peake isn't a girl, but rather group of musicians working together to put out a song a day for a year. Most of the songs are done by James Webster, and his musical cohort of tech honors. Their sound can vary almost every other day from Shoegaze/Dream Pop to Indie Rock to Ambient Space Bliss and everything else in between. Currently the band has three albums (all of which are FREE on their bandcamp). And yes, those albums are on top of all the songs they will release everyday for one whole year.

Hello, how are you?
Fantastic, and overwhelmed! You'd be surprised how hard a song-a-day project can hit your social life.
What are you currently listening to?
Oh there's been a lot of great stuff coming out recently. One of my all time favorites, The Caretaker, just put out a new album called "An Empty Bliss Beyond This World" - sampled loops of ballroom music and early jazz manipulated to simulate a mind fading into Alzheimer's. The new Kreng album, "Grimoire" is amazing too - albeit so intensely dark it's almost a caricature. Ludicrously brooding - but really really irresistible. And of course ELO. Always ELO...
Care to elaborate on the name?
Rebecca Peake is, well, my name. Not given name, but a pseudonym formed by combining two of the key influences in starting the song-a-day project. One part an author known for a hyper-descriptive style, who had an ambition to write a book that followed nearly every day of a person's life. The other part is a musician, famous for dry lyrics focusing on all the mundane actions and decisions of a single day.
When/where did you get idea for the "366" concept?
Well I had the idea in March, but knew that it would have to start at the beginning of a month. So the first song, "Smile, Philadelphia!" ended up being written and posted on April fools day. I guess I like the idea of instead of a perfect 365 song cycle, it would be a weird 366 - all thrown off balance by a song posted for a day known for pranks. 366 also looks like it might be some sort of satanic code too...
What's your favorite track of Rebecca's so far?
It's a little hard to choose just one! Favorites include In The Park, She Is Losing Her Memory, The Reconstruction, Corner Of The Universe, Is This It... just too many great ones!
Will you be touring for all of these releases?
Yes, eventually. Maybe after the 366 song cycle, maybe before. For now just keeping up with the songs everyday is exhausting enough, the shows are coming though!
If you could collaborate with any artist of your choosing whom would it be with?
Julia Hummer. The voice... a bleak honestly filled with rich, rounded edges of shadow. It sounded incredible against the Shoegaze guitars on Pluramon's "The Monstorous Surplus" - really giving Julee Cruise a run for her money. I think she's retired now or something, but the world is empty without her voice.
The best time to listen to Rebecca Peake is ______?
on the way to a kill.
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
"Loveless"? Yeah, "Loveless" - OR The Caretaker's "Stairway To The Stars". Those albums have more depth than Mariner Valley - infinite bliss. Or, of course, my new RP album "Dalmation II" is available now:)!
Are you living your dream?
Every single day. I'm floating.
Thanx James!
Rebecca Peake is currently working on their "366" project, which is where they offer one new song a day for an entire year..(yeah, pretty prolific right?)
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