"..take the large scale sound orchestrations of a classic Phil Spector tune, add a whole bunch of cutesy/dreamy Pop bliss to the mix and there you have it..perfection..."

Ultra Modern Adeptivity
Mahogany Bio:
Mahogany is an electric music-based multidisciplinary media ensemble currently working in Philadelphia, New York, and other locations. A combination of vocals, cello, massed guitars, pianos, melodicas, sequencers, synthesizers, samplers, tape, percussion, and other instruments makes for Mahogany’s sound.
Mahogany also uses film, video, animation, cinema, graphic design, photography, typography and other realization and rendering techniques for a cumulative effect known as the ‘Hypercube’ – a multidimensional expression of elegiac saudade, benign monolithic dynamism, and jubilant, sensuous organic order.

Hello, how are you?
We are doing well, thank you.
What are you currently listening to?
French and Venezuelan music from the 50s, 60s, & 70s. Obsessed with 90's gangsta rap. Also listening to Amy Winehouse since she passed away recently. And 60's-70's soul music like Diana Ross and Solomon Burke which is so awe-inspiring!
Please, tell me.. Where are the new albums you promised us?
We are and have been in the process of recording now. We hope to have them released in the next year.
What is the theme on said releases?
Frontiering ... exploration ... revisiting the old that is new and still current. Modern thinking for classical times in cities and beyond the suburban atmosphere.
Will you be touring soon for them?
It is likely that we'll tour in the next few weeks/months/years. We perform new material at each of our live shows and focus on how the audience reacts to it. It's an interesting dynamic since we play short sets 4 or 5 songs with all new material. An experiment of sorts!
You guys seem to put a lot of effort into the design aspect (both graphically and audibly) of your music, can you tell us who influenced you the most when it comes to those areas?
(this one remains a mystery)
Do you guys have any new side projects coming up?
(..as does this one too:()
What's the strangest talent you have?
Well, hmmm. interesting question. For instance, Andrew, singer, guitarist and mainstay, can pack a vehicle with musical gear like no other. Packed more tightly, safely and with the heaviest equipment ever seen. He can also write some killer tracks. Jackie, drummer extraordinaire, is a ballerina since her youth and is a natural percussionist. And Khaya, bassist, can solve a Rubik's cube.
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
Probably a Smiths album, almost any one but the compilation 'Louder Than Bombs' or 'Queen is Dead' come to mind. Otherwise, 'Garlands' by Cocteau Twins.
Are you living your dream?
Yes, in many ways. I think the band would like to tour more and perhaps relocate to Europe or to the PacNW for a while but those are dreams to be chased and conquered. It seems that everyone seeks to live their dreams as they dream up something else.
Thanks Jaclyn, Khaya, & Andrew!
Mahogany is currently (please-PLEASE hopefully) working on releasing their upcoming EP as well as follow up LP, look for those within the next year (..or so?)...

Ultra Modern Adeptivity
Mahogany Bio:
Mahogany is an electric music-based multidisciplinary media ensemble currently working in Philadelphia, New York, and other locations. A combination of vocals, cello, massed guitars, pianos, melodicas, sequencers, synthesizers, samplers, tape, percussion, and other instruments makes for Mahogany’s sound.
Mahogany also uses film, video, animation, cinema, graphic design, photography, typography and other realization and rendering techniques for a cumulative effect known as the ‘Hypercube’ – a multidimensional expression of elegiac saudade, benign monolithic dynamism, and jubilant, sensuous organic order.

Hello, how are you?
We are doing well, thank you.
What are you currently listening to?
French and Venezuelan music from the 50s, 60s, & 70s. Obsessed with 90's gangsta rap. Also listening to Amy Winehouse since she passed away recently. And 60's-70's soul music like Diana Ross and Solomon Burke which is so awe-inspiring!
Please, tell me.. Where are the new albums you promised us?
We are and have been in the process of recording now. We hope to have them released in the next year.
What is the theme on said releases?
Frontiering ... exploration ... revisiting the old that is new and still current. Modern thinking for classical times in cities and beyond the suburban atmosphere.
Will you be touring soon for them?
It is likely that we'll tour in the next few weeks/months/years. We perform new material at each of our live shows and focus on how the audience reacts to it. It's an interesting dynamic since we play short sets 4 or 5 songs with all new material. An experiment of sorts!
You guys seem to put a lot of effort into the design aspect (both graphically and audibly) of your music, can you tell us who influenced you the most when it comes to those areas?
(this one remains a mystery)
Do you guys have any new side projects coming up?
(..as does this one too:()
What's the strangest talent you have?
Well, hmmm. interesting question. For instance, Andrew, singer, guitarist and mainstay, can pack a vehicle with musical gear like no other. Packed more tightly, safely and with the heaviest equipment ever seen. He can also write some killer tracks. Jackie, drummer extraordinaire, is a ballerina since her youth and is a natural percussionist. And Khaya, bassist, can solve a Rubik's cube.
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
Probably a Smiths album, almost any one but the compilation 'Louder Than Bombs' or 'Queen is Dead' come to mind. Otherwise, 'Garlands' by Cocteau Twins.
Are you living your dream?
Yes, in many ways. I think the band would like to tour more and perhaps relocate to Europe or to the PacNW for a while but those are dreams to be chased and conquered. It seems that everyone seeks to live their dreams as they dream up something else.
Thanks Jaclyn, Khaya, & Andrew!
Mahogany is currently (please-PLEASE hopefully) working on releasing their upcoming EP as well as follow up LP, look for those within the next year (..or so?)...
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