A little while ago I was endlessly searching the net (like I normally do) for some interesting/up and coming new bands. One of the acts I came across, which melted my heart & made my jaw drop, was a band from Tokyo called RiLF (Ricco Label and Friends). They were/are giving away a track off of their debut LP "Ferris Wheel" titled "Pray For The Piano". As I stated in my finding; "..An "accidental" find on the internet.. This song is so gorgeous it just may bring a tear to your ears. If it's raining where you are right now, you need this more than you need oxygen. Fans of Sigur Ros and/or Miko take note..." Seriously though, if any of those adjectives or comparisons get you going, you REALLY do need this right now.
Who doesn't like beautiful/sweet vocals with heavenly piano keys layered underneath and on top pf gorgeous/epic & experimental Post Rock/Dream Pop tones? RiLF has all the star qualities of an extremely underrated Dream Pop outfit; lush, seductive, frail, and romantic. Piano, bass, drums (both live and electronic), guitar, samples and few other sounds create "Ferris Wheel's" nigh perfect blend of melancholy love hosting dark situations displaying an upward spirit. There's a side of RiLF that's a little "rocky"/dry sounding, and then there's the side of them that's Ambient/Electronic (the side I LOVE). When the band takes vocals and uses them as heavenly loops you'll know what I mean. Somehow RiLF combine these two sounds, Rock with "dreamy", into one cohesive package. "Ferris Wheel" is no-doubt one of the most overlooked albums of the year, I am 100% positive if this album got into the right hands RiLF would become an epidemic.
At least get THIS SONG (it's free), if you're not hooked seek your local otolaryngologist. A very fine start. Love this album, and I am particularly interested to hear where this bands takes their sound over the next few years or so. Fans of delicate Electronic-Post Rock and/or J Pop this one's for you. Re-com-men-ded.
Standout Tracks: Ocean, Pray For The Piano, Interlude, So Sad (reminds me of Mono -- the band from the Great Expectations soundtrack), Anechoic Room (LOVE this one), Orange Murmur (GREAT ender)
Who doesn't like beautiful/sweet vocals with heavenly piano keys layered underneath and on top pf gorgeous/epic & experimental Post Rock/Dream Pop tones? RiLF has all the star qualities of an extremely underrated Dream Pop outfit; lush, seductive, frail, and romantic. Piano, bass, drums (both live and electronic), guitar, samples and few other sounds create "Ferris Wheel's" nigh perfect blend of melancholy love hosting dark situations displaying an upward spirit. There's a side of RiLF that's a little "rocky"/dry sounding, and then there's the side of them that's Ambient/Electronic (the side I LOVE). When the band takes vocals and uses them as heavenly loops you'll know what I mean. Somehow RiLF combine these two sounds, Rock with "dreamy", into one cohesive package. "Ferris Wheel" is no-doubt one of the most overlooked albums of the year, I am 100% positive if this album got into the right hands RiLF would become an epidemic.
At least get THIS SONG (it's free), if you're not hooked seek your local otolaryngologist. A very fine start. Love this album, and I am particularly interested to hear where this bands takes their sound over the next few years or so. Fans of delicate Electronic-Post Rock and/or J Pop this one's for you. Re-com-men-ded.
Standout Tracks: Ocean, Pray For The Piano, Interlude, So Sad (reminds me of Mono -- the band from the Great Expectations soundtrack), Anechoic Room (LOVE this one), Orange Murmur (GREAT ender)
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