"..submerged downbeat piano melodies, somber/melancholy vocals (that really do sound a lot like a young Eno), heavenly/sustained chords of synthesized beauty and a few other gorgeous layers of liquid noise drowning in a pool of despairing maudlinisms..."

Eluvium (#1 album of the year.)
Dank Atmospheric Pop
Eluvium Bio:
Portland, OR resident Matthew Cooper records under the alias Eluvium. His ambient washes and symphonic guitar pieces would feel equally at home on a Brian Eno record or a Fennesz recording. His debut release, "Lambent Material", was released on the Temporary Residence imprint in 2003. Cooper recorded five full-lengths for the label over the next three years ("An Accidental Memory In The Case Of Death", "Talk Amongst The Trees", "Travels In Constants", and "Copia") before taking a short break and returning with "Similes" and "The Motion Makes Me Last EP" in 2010.

First of all congratulations on a successful year! How are you doing these days?
Very well, thank you
What are you currently listening to?
Mostly some new things I'm working on, I'm not spending a ton of time with other music I tend to be that way when I'm writing new work but I've had time for a few things recently; Rafael Anton Irisarri's "The North Bend", Arp "The Soft Wave", CFCF "The River", and some Christmas piano and choral music.
What was your favorite album of 2010?
Probably either Owen Pallett's "Heartland" or Arp's "The Soft Wave"
Your album “Similes” is astonishing as well as EIC‘s #1 album of 2010! Can you please explain what the general theme/tone you were going for when you recorded it?
Thank you for thinking of it so highly! I'd say the general tone was something along the lines of robotic and lackluster - something that suggests exhaustion from one's mind constantly running.
I believe “Similes” is your strongest release to date, would you agree?
That answer could change day to day, what I can say is that it was the healthiest musical choice I've made from a personal standpoint - it feels like it may be the most important thing I've done. I'm not sure if that equates to strongest or not
If you could change anything about “Similes” would you?
Every album I make has to be finished eventually, and that is hard to deal with sometimes. So when I listen to any of my albums - there are always things I hear that i wished I would have had time to explore further - usually this doesn't mean I would have changed anything about it - but perhaps added more to it - but I think it's natural for the musical brain to start creating new melodies or ideas in anything that it hears repeatedly, whether it was originally created by oneself or not.
What was the "strangest" thing to happen to you in the year 2010?
Releasing a Pop record is up there..
What’s next for Eluvium?
I'm currently working on several different projects. I don't know which one will cross the finish line first - but they involve at least 2 Eluvium full lengths, some shorter works, a new project under a different moniker - and a couple of collaborations.
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
Am I also trapped on a desert island ? - then I'd choose a wilderness survival audio book.
Are you living your dream?
Very close to it.
Thanx Matthew!
Eluvium is currently working on a follow up to the astonishing "Similes" look for that/those in the near future...
Eluvium (#1 album of the year.)
Dank Atmospheric Pop
Eluvium Bio:
Portland, OR resident Matthew Cooper records under the alias Eluvium. His ambient washes and symphonic guitar pieces would feel equally at home on a Brian Eno record or a Fennesz recording. His debut release, "Lambent Material", was released on the Temporary Residence imprint in 2003. Cooper recorded five full-lengths for the label over the next three years ("An Accidental Memory In The Case Of Death", "Talk Amongst The Trees", "Travels In Constants", and "Copia") before taking a short break and returning with "Similes" and "The Motion Makes Me Last EP" in 2010.

First of all congratulations on a successful year! How are you doing these days?
Very well, thank you
What are you currently listening to?
Mostly some new things I'm working on, I'm not spending a ton of time with other music I tend to be that way when I'm writing new work but I've had time for a few things recently; Rafael Anton Irisarri's "The North Bend", Arp "The Soft Wave", CFCF "The River", and some Christmas piano and choral music.
What was your favorite album of 2010?
Probably either Owen Pallett's "Heartland" or Arp's "The Soft Wave"
Your album “Similes” is astonishing as well as EIC‘s #1 album of 2010! Can you please explain what the general theme/tone you were going for when you recorded it?
Thank you for thinking of it so highly! I'd say the general tone was something along the lines of robotic and lackluster - something that suggests exhaustion from one's mind constantly running.
I believe “Similes” is your strongest release to date, would you agree?
That answer could change day to day, what I can say is that it was the healthiest musical choice I've made from a personal standpoint - it feels like it may be the most important thing I've done. I'm not sure if that equates to strongest or not
If you could change anything about “Similes” would you?
Every album I make has to be finished eventually, and that is hard to deal with sometimes. So when I listen to any of my albums - there are always things I hear that i wished I would have had time to explore further - usually this doesn't mean I would have changed anything about it - but perhaps added more to it - but I think it's natural for the musical brain to start creating new melodies or ideas in anything that it hears repeatedly, whether it was originally created by oneself or not.
What was the "strangest" thing to happen to you in the year 2010?
Releasing a Pop record is up there..
What’s next for Eluvium?
I'm currently working on several different projects. I don't know which one will cross the finish line first - but they involve at least 2 Eluvium full lengths, some shorter works, a new project under a different moniker - and a couple of collaborations.
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
Am I also trapped on a desert island ? - then I'd choose a wilderness survival audio book.
Are you living your dream?
Very close to it.
Thanx Matthew!
Eluvium is currently working on a follow up to the astonishing "Similes" look for that/those in the near future...
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