Bullets In Madison are a (relatively) newer group hailing from Chicago, the kind of music they create is lush & cinematic Post-Rocky Shoegaze. "We Became Your Family When You Died" is their latest offering (2nd LP) of terrific "should have been more popular by now music". Imagine a meshing of Broken Social Scene, Mogwai, Labradford, Radiohead, and maybe a little Sigur Ros. If you're reading this and you already know about this project chances are you know that this whole album is free.. If you have haven't heard of this group by now chances are you will download the album and spread the word like wildfire (trust me, this IS up your alley).
Within the walls of "We Became Your Family When You Died" lays gorgeous strings swelling and drowning underneath a plethora of washed out guitar plucks & reverberations, epic drumming, alluring sprinkles of piano, and vocals that are melancholy, romantic, and somewhat relaxing. Each song on this ridiculously under priced album is somewhat of an epic adventure from start to beginning. The tracks just build, build, and build, what they unleash can sometimes come as a surprise. I can guarantee you this, if you're a fan of Post Rock with vocals you will LOVE this band. If you're a fan of extremely polished Indie Rock records or Nu Gaze music you will also love this. IF YOU'RE A FAN OF MUSIC AT ALL YOU SHOULD LOVE THIS. Is there any reason your still reading this? Go, go download NOW.
This is the kind of music you want to play live if you're in a band. The kind of music that you can REALLY connect to on an emotional level. Every note, every sound, every lyric puts this deep seeded feeling inside of your ear heart that just won't let go till it explodes causing your body to quiver from buoyant rhapsody (kind of orgasmic I suppose). How often has the word "F-R-E-E" let you down? Highly Recommended.
Standout Tracks: Animals, Joel Found His Angel Cowering In The Garden (love this track), Riots (should be called "Sigur Social Scene"), St. Jude (mmmmmmhmmm), Crimes
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