Right now, right underneath our ears, Sao Paulo, Brazil is forming an army of overly talented Shoegaze, Dream Pop, Experimental Metal bands. The label in-charge of bringing the whole scene together is Sinewave records. Duelectrum are one of the newer signings to the label. "Electrolandia" is Duelectrum's debut album, which is actually considered Part 1 of a 2 Part EP series which was actually originally intended to be a full length.. Either way, "Electrolandia" is an ASTONISHINGLY GORGEOUS monster of loud guitar sounds fuzzing out in the most terrific form of Psychedelic Bliss possible. Oh, and how could I forget "Electrolandia" is FREE.
If you're in the mood for guitar driven Shoegaze music done in a semi-traditional sense with a few extra layers of noise Duelectrum will fill that void quite nicely. If you're a fan of experimental guitar effects in general Duelectrum will fit snuggly between your headphones. Lot's of guitar effects that are indeed loud, but somehow one of the most relaxing experiences you will have with Shoegaze music, slightly audible vocals mixed via chorus and reverb, and tiny splashes of galactic synths. The best comparison I can think of would be a slightly more "Lo-Fi" version of My Bloody Valentine, which yeah I know, can be a dime a dozen these days, but Duelectrum really pull off a signature sound that is unique to them only while still paying homage to the old school.
One of the best of 09, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. If you like Shoegaze DO NOT PASS THIS ONE UP.
Standout Tracks: ALL, ALL, ALL, ALL ..especially Cabeca Nas Nuvens (so catchy)
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