deep breath.... pull hands from face... been in hiding for a while now ...... dont know what to exactly say... its just been that way... and i guess it is what is needed... its late and detached i know.... many questions and very few answers come with the passing of time... i would like to say that we will finally be going in starting next week/// july 30th/// to officially begin mixing our full-length-plus record' its 12 songs/70some minutes of music.../// i dont know yet how many of these songs, nor which, we will choose to be on the record, neither who will release it yet''' i haven't had internet access for a while now and using it as an excuse to avoid everything... we are just in that state of non-connectedness... introspective i suppose... we haven't played a show in quite a while>>> but things are progressing ginormously' we will get in touch with all of u who are so dear to us and offer us yr caring support and interest soon...
pat and i are in amherst mass. right now writing music for a solo dance piece... its 30 minutes long and the van///BLU/// has broken down, and prolly costing me a fortune-&-a-pennymore, and it is beautiful and serene, and some of the best melodies we've written to date... actually this ghastly record has by far been the hardest, most ambitious, and tearjerkingly, passionate/beautiful album to date for any of us i believe'''' honestly! growing, growing, growing.... crooked as a thieving bonzai''' >>>>
we are now officially stating>>> that we are planning a two&ahalf week eastcoast tour with our dear friends, and amazingly talented, pygmy lush... from late october to early november... based around the gainesville fest''' we wanted to make the trek down cos' we had such a great time last year... thanks tony for making it possible... and thanks ben salie for making our passion & dreams possible/// in breaking down our inner walls & barriers, and getting this record into a physical overcoming!!! its goddam beautiful and inspiring''' so if anyone would like to help us in setting up shows for this tour... do get in touch;'''' litany we will have to meet up somewhere... somehow'''' love ya! it will be dumb fun!!!!
soon enough we will climb back outta our well... thanks for watering us... we will be offering more in due time again'''' just a little more time.... sorry for the disappearance// one cant help it though... change happens/// and it is unforeseen and inevitable... this last piece we have written here for this dance is stupid intense and fucking moving... absolutely one of pat and i's favorite things yet.... whatever though right''' we will prolly be taking down our demo song soon since it is long in our minds past now.... so i hope u enjoyed the two we posted... im in a rambling state right now... so i'll stop'/// just saying we are ridiculously excited and all that jazz////
yups>>>>bee.//// GHASTLIES...
This is neat..
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