Empire Of The Sun consists of two members, Luke Steele of Sleepy Jackson and Nick Littlemore of P'nau. This "fireball of electricity", as Luke Steele refers to them, is as close to MGMT as you can get without directly ripping them off. However, instead of staying within the "Indie Psych Dance" genre, they also dip into late 70's Disco/Glam, mid 80's New Wave, and a little bit of modern pop music as well.
"Walking On A Dream" was originally released in 2008 overseas, but due to increased popularity, via the internet, the duo decided it was time to release it stateside. Lucky for us they did because import prices start at about $30. Although, the album is pretty tight from first to last track, so maybe $30 will be worth it for some people. The songs just bounce and flow with ease, all of them have catchy parts. With references like MGMT meets Daft Punk meets Scissor Sisters it's easy to see why Empire Of The Sun have already gone platinum in Australia. If you give them a few more months, they might take over the US too. Assuming these guys get the right promoter they will definitely be HUGE. The music is as catchy as catchy can be. If there are any downsides it would be that some of the tracks sound like the track that just played before it. Which could also be a good thing as far as cohesive is concerned. The opening track "Standing On The Shore" is a good head bobber that gives you a feel of the catchiness thats about to come. And the hazey/romantic ender, "Without You", wraps the whole thing up quite nicely.
Check into this band now, or just jump on the band wagon later. "Walking On A Dream" is a great album for a happy-go-lucky/care free day. And all of us like those days, so it just makes sense that you would like this album.
Standout Tracks: Standing On The Shore, Walking On A Dream, We Are The People, Country (lush/warm instrumental), The World, Swordfish Hotkiss Night (so catchy), Without You
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