"Kingdom Of Rust" is Doves 4th proper album. In many ways I would compare it to Coldplay's "Viva La Vida". Not to say that this is just some random band covering Coldplay songs. In fact Doves are one of the best most under appreciated Brit Pop bands out there (yes, even better than Coldplay). Their debut album "Lost Souls" has a permanent spot in my top albums of ALL TIME list. It's sad, dark, and poppy-Alt-Rock at its best. Seriously, check out that album NOW. Anyways, the reason I mention "Viva La Vida", I felt on that album Coldplay mildly reinvented themselves by adding more electronic textures and experimental sounds and bringing back a little bit of their debut charm. Doves have had these amazing qualities on all of their albums, but with "Kingdom Of Rust" it feels as if they have reinvented themselves too, by bringing back the quality that has "almost" been missing since "Lost Souls".
Although Doves are indeed Brit Pop, they do more than just sing with an accent and sell out stadium sized crowds all over the UK. They bring their own form of Dark accents and hints of psychedelia to the music. On "Kingdom Of Rust" they add even more lingering organ/keyboard sounds, heavy-brooding/sometimes airy guitar sounds, rocky/sometimes disco-y bass lines, calculated drum hits, subtle strings, and "pretty" acoustics. If you're looking for a good Alt-Rock band with a "different" edge over most check into Doves immediately. If you haven't heard Doves at all, start with "Lost Souls". You will see why I'll always be excited for a new Doves release.
Standout Tracks: Jetstream, The Outsiders, 10:03, The Greatest Denier, Birds Flew Backwards (one of the best Doves songs ever), Compulsion, Lifelines
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