Monday, December 24, 2012

EIC's 10Q's w/ Edward Ka-Spel

"..equal parts ghostly-psychedlic atmospheres, with micro-Jazz bass lines, outer body vocals, absurd lyrics, and a few decaying mechanical dins.."

Edward Ka-Spel
Phantasmal Psych-Mechanic

Edward Ka-Spel Bio:
Edward Ka-Spel is best known as the lead singer, keyboard and electronics player, songwriter and co-founder of the band The Legendary Pink Dots, in which he was initially known as D'Archangel, Prophet Q`Sepel and other pseudonyms. He has also released numerous solo albums (initially featuring other members of the Legendary Pink Dots, and including contributions from Steven Stapleton), and has worked in various side projects, including The Tear Garden (with cEvin Key of Skinny Puppy), and Mimir (with Phil Knight, Christoph Heemann, Jim O'Rourke and others).  Ka-Spel's solo albums range for abstract electronic noise to more traditional pop songs, incorporating diverse elements of psychedelia, industrial, avant garde, experimental electronic, art pop, classical music, folk (nursery songs), sampling, noise, collage, music concrete, etc. His lyrics have been described as intensely mystical, incorporating recurrent themes from his own personal mythos. Ka-Spel's songwriting has been compared (usually favourably) to that of Syd Barrett and early Pink Floyd, though the artist describes the comparison as being a coincidence, not a direct influence. Ka-Spel has cited Iannis Xenakis, The Beatles, Nurse With Wound, David Bowie, Brainticket, Can, The Residents, Magma, and Throbbing Gristle as significant influences. Ka-Spel often appears on stage barefoot, wearing a long scarf and either pink or black optic glasses. Early in his career, he drew black lines on his face and arms, which Phil Knight has referred to as "his cracks," presumably as they resemble the cracked lines of a china doll, an image very present in his early albums.

Hello, how are you?
(Edward skipped this one, we'll assume he's doing great;)

What are you currently listening to?
Recently re-discovered Godpeed You! Black Emperor....what an incredible listening experience. As deep as it gets...can bathe in that for hours...

Care to tell us about your latest solo release 'Ghost Logik'?
A concept I'd been turning around in my head for some time...Just an attempt to stretch my transparent hand through a dimensional wall and pull something out that's tangible and makes sense to me and anyone who cares to listen. No rattling chains, "trick or treat" isn't a horror story but it's a rarified landscape where the apple shoots upwards from the branch of the tree.

Any plans to tour the US for said release? 
Tentative plans for a Dots' tour in Spring 2013.

Out of curiosity, you've been making music for a while now, do you have a particular album and/or track that you are most proud of?
That's a tough one....Still stand by "All The Kings Horses" which was composed just before and after 9/11.It still resonates 11 years on...

Whats the craziest thing that's ever happened to you while on tour?
Playing for a handful of people eating pizzas in a bar in Victoria , Vancouver Island. Arrived at 11pm and decided to take the show to the audience. Slowly tied up an entire table with microphone lead while crooning....One person sat on the floor hammering it with his fist guffawing, "Jolly good show" .It seems he was the local journalist. David lynch would have loved it...but well, you HAD to be there.

Got any other projects we should know about?
Deciduous Flux is a project with 2 artist friends in Denver while I'm also doing something together with Philippe Petit. 3 new LPD albums in the pipeline too.

What movie would work best on mute while listening to you music?
Gone With The Wind

You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
Hard one......'In The Court  Of The Crimson King' probably.

Are you living your dream?
You bet

Thanx Ed!

Edward Ka-Spel is currently/always writing new music, check it...

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