Monday, November 19, 2012

EIC's 10Q's w/ Slow Head

"..explores head-tripped/hallucinating drugged-out Clubbier vibes.."

Slow Head
Benumbed Desire

Slow Head Bio:
From his homebase in northeastern Tennessee, the man behind Slow Head has been making his ethereal electronic melodies long before the Slow Head project. Before he was picked up in 2011 by Texas weirdo label Disaro I had a bootleg tape in about 2003 called ‘Society Of Sensation’ from the now-defunct Canadian label Kandria which was the first time I heard the oddly warped, detuned bells and chimes which would become sort of a hallmark of his later work. And his output is huge; he has also made music under numerous other names including: Sioux Spur, Miners, Deodo, Horrid Veils, and more. ‘One can still find all those old CD’s on the net if they know where to look’ he told me in a recent interview, in which he went on to say, "Slow Head isn't for everyone, it’s a vibe, you know?"  Indeed

Hello, how are you?
 Coordinated and well prepared.

What are you currently listening to?
 Mr. Head decided to skip this one, we'll assume it's something awesome though;]

Whats with the band name?
Two reasons. There is a part in the track "My Neck, My Back" by Khia where she says, “Slow Head show me so much love…” I used to cut up mixes with that. But it also came to symbolize for me this one guy I knew who was…a little not there.

Care to tell us a little bit about your latest release 
'Fire Is The Mouth Of The Snake', themes/personal favorite track(s)?
 Everywhere I looked last year (and for some weird reason hardly at all this one), people were talking about this upcoming Mayan apocalypse or whatever and I wanted to find out for myself what a lot of it was about. It is a very symbolic album for me. Learning anything I could about Mayan culture at the time was very inspiring. Of course my fave track is "Fire Is The Mouth.."

Any plans to tour for said release?
You never know!

Got any other projects we should know about?
I have been messing around as this tech-house DJ named DJ Oilspill. I have a profile on I also just finished an album with Moon Mirror as Image Circle for AmDiscs. (Everyone should get it) 

What movie would work best on mute while listening to you music?
Fellini’s 'Satyricon'

You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?

Are you living your dream?
 It truly would be weird to actually live your dreams. Like flying cars and shit?

Thanx Slow Head & Disaro!

Slow Head is currently waiting patiently for you to fall into his sound, do that now...

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