Monday, September 3, 2012

EIC's 10Q's w/ Tralala Blip

" sincere and unapologetic as you can get within the realm of modern Electronic music.."

Tralala Blip
Extraordinary Indiscriminations

Tralala Blip Bio:
Tralala Blip is a collective of differently abled artists who meet on a regular basis to create, produce and perform original electronic music.  The project is based on the far north coast/northern rivers region of New South Wales Australia.  Using a variety of midi controllers, computers, digital and analog musical instruments, Tralala Blip discover new forms of musical expression that are accessible, experimental and most of all, fun.Tralala Blip Robot  Collective members have a range of disabilities and the Tralala Blip set up is all about immediate and spontaneous access to sound and music making.  Since the projects inception in January 2008 Tralala Blip have recorded dozens of original compositions/songs. Tralala Blip also perform live and collaborate with other artists locally and from far away. Some ways we collaborate have been through exchanging remixes, music production workshops, music videos and other collaborations with visual artists and live improvised performances.

Hello, how are you?
We're good.

What are you currently listening to?
Randolf: Lydian and I do most of our listening in the car on the way to and from band practice every Monday and Wednesday. The last couple of weeks we have been listening to Afterlife, Factory Floor, NWA, Old Man Gloom, Motion Sickness From Time Travel, Primitive Motion, Peaking Lights, and the new John Maus 'Rarities LP',  which is funny:) "This Is The Beat" is a hilarious tune!  Lyd and I were "la la la laing" all the way home last night :)

Is there a story behind the band name?
Lydian: Yes but it's secret.

Some of your members have disabilities correct? What are their specific ailments if you don't mind me asking and do you find recording/writing/touring any more difficult because of this?
Lydian: I don't want to answer it.
Randolf: I don't find performing or writing with TLLB any more difficult than any other project I am currently involved in. I used to scream in a hardcore band and those guys were way more difficult to work with.. Touring is more difficult and takes more planning as we need an extra person to support us. Recording sessions are just as random, stressful and crazy as any band I have been in.
Lydian: We recorded an album at Disembraining Machine and I was nervous. But when we recorded with Muttboy I had fun.

Speaking of recording, LOVE your latest EP (for Room40), care to tell us a little bit about it; theme/album title, likes/dislikes, etc.?
Lydian: Mathew made up the name "Submarine Love Songs" and I don't know why.
Randolf: We have been involved with a few Room40 events, have delivered workshops with Lawrence English (head honcho at Room40) and are collaborating with him on another project. Lawrence asked us if we would like to do a cassette for the new A Guide To Saints label and we said Giddy Yup!!!
Lydian: the song "Love To Your Heart" is the first song I did in Tralala Blip. It's about my girlfriend dumping me and I lost my job cuz I was sad. So I took a gun to my boss (but it was a plastic one) and the the cops chased me but I was hiding down the creek. It's a true story.
Randolf: Indeed it is :)
Lydian: I love the cassette. I give a copy to my sister Alinta.

Will you be touring internationally for said release?
Lydian: Yes.
Randolf: Well, we would love to tour internationally. We have two new releases right now. The 'Submarine Love Songs' cassette and a 12inch EP that came out the same month called "Tralala Blip Meets Muttboy In Atlantis". And a new 12" LP coming out later this year on Disembraining. So it makes sense to tour BUT we can't organize it ourselves. So we shall see if anyone is moved to help us?

Got any other projects we should know about?
Lydian: We're going down to Melbourne to play with Muttboy. We did a record with him called "Tralala Blip Meets Muttboy In Atlantis", it's a blue record. We are also involved with a theatre company and are in the middle of a creative development process that will see a major theatre work in mid to late 2013. Lawrence English and Rosie Dennis are our collaborators on that project. On the 30th August we are supporting Maria Minerva in Brisbane at the Judith Wright Centre. We are currently re doing some vocals for a 12" LP on Disembraining Machine that will probably come out late this year.

You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
Randolf: Oh no, this will send me insane no matter what I choose!
Lydian: Butthole Surfers. No-no-no umm, Beastie Boys.

Are you living your dream?
Lydian: Yeah.
Randolf: Yup.

Thanx Randolf and Lydian!

Tralala Blip recently released what is sure to be one of the best releases of 2012, check it...

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