9 out of 10
I can't remember when (at least months ago) /where (probably online;) I came across Die Jungen, but I am definitely happy/glad I did. Like all of you I go through "phases of music-listenings/seasonal ear syndrome". Some days it's slow (most), some it's loud (sometimes), and some it's Surf Rock/Dream Pop/Spector influenced Indie Oldies ..to anything in-between really. Guess which mood I was in when I discovered this band, c'mon guess..? Also Die Jungen reminds me of Bradford Cox's earlier/online demo days (just with a lot more Oldies samples), I miss these days sometimes (and it's nice to hear someone else did too). This is not only something I can sleep to, it's something I hope to awake to, everyday.
Die Jungen is actually a new project from Klaus Von Barrel of The KVB. The KVB is Shoegaze/kind-of APTBS-y project, good stuff actually, but I gotta say Die Jungen is my favorite of his sounds (I only hope he carries on with it). The formula you ask? Guitar + keyboard (something lo-fi sounding) + drum sampler (maybe a few live drums?)/ an 8 track (possibly 4?) + samples from the Golden Era of Wall Of Noise Pop meets Surf Rock. I love Oldies, SELECT Oldies though, somehow Klaus surfed straight into my brain and pulled those out and placed them on this record. Such a simple sampling process, yet so effective, love-love-love this. Innovation through simplicity and a good ear for music that out-lives/transcends generational borders; 'At Breath's End' really should have something for everyone in need of a break/mellowing out.
The only thing that could make this album better is if I lived by a beach and could truly soak it in in the environment it deserves.. Either way, I still haven't listened to any album this year as I much as I have with this one. OH! Also, Die Jungen just released a B-Sides companion for this album which is pretty terrific as well..!
Standout Tracks: ALL. esp-ecially; I've Been Glad, When I Awake (yum.), Discretely, The Sun Is Coming Up, In The End
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