"..passionate and cozy.."

Windy & Carl
Pastoral Veracity
Windy & Carl Bio:
Windy Weber and Carl Hultgren began writing music together in 1993. Self releasing their earliest recordings on their own Blueflea label, these were more of a dreamy psychedelic sound, with gentle guitars and hushed vocals. As time went on, the music became more of an imaginary film score, wandering soundscapes with thick layers and lush tones. Various labels generously released CDs; 1995 saw Ba Da Bing release Portal, in 1996 Icon Records released Drawing Of Sound, and by 1997 Kranky in Chicago had adopted Windy & Carl, a place they still fondly call home and where Depths (1997), Consciousness (2001), and The Dreamhouse (2005) all reside. While it may be hard to define Windy & Carl’s sound, the guitars, bass, occasional keyboard and vocals are generally ambient in nature – music great for coloring the background, or foreground, of any activity – walks in the park, driving, afternoon naps …. Similarities can be drawn to some of the 80′s ambient pioneers as well as modern classical music. They create music with a wide range of atmospheres, from a warm fuzzy blanket, to a deep ocean, and to the open spaces of a frozen antarctic. While Windy & Carl do not tour often, they have performed at all 6 Terrastock festivals, and still occasionally venture away from home for shows. There is not much time for touring now as most days are spent running their music store in Dearborn, Michigan, Stormy Records.
Hello, how are you?
I'm good, thank you. And, a little out of sorts at the same time. Winter was fine, and I do enjoy the snow, but I am more content in the spring when I am planting the garden and even happier in the summer to be outside enjoying the sun and walking the dogs. So, I suppose, I'm looking forward to spring.
What are you currently listening to?
The hiss of the radiators here in the house. We had never lived with radiators until we moved in Dec 2010 and they are just such great company! They sing and hiss and thump, sometimes seemingly making their own music. I am not sure why, but since we moved here, when I am alone in the house I hardly ever listen to music. I spend my time listening to the radiators, or the birds singing outside, or the wind chimes. It's when Carl and I are together in the house that we listen to music. Strange, huh?
The new album seems to be a little more sparse than the last, wasn't there a different recording process for this one?
On this new record there is just Carl playing the music. He was working on a solo record, which he started recording for in 2009, and then in early 2011 he recorded a whole new set of songs for me for Valentines day, and I loved them so much!! He had said only I would ever hear them, but they needed to be shared with the world, so he asked me if I wanted to play or sing on any of them and I said yes. That presented 2 issues - the first being that I did not really hear anything that needed to be added or improved upon, and the second was that Carl had recorded them on a single 33 minute reel to reel tape, and they all overlapped each other and filled the whole tape. there was not much room for me to work within the tracks - a few minutes here or there that had nothing recorded on them, and so I simply worked in the small amount of space I had. I liked adding just a touch to the songs I already loved - there was really nothing I wanted to change.
Is there a theme for 'We Will Always Be'?
Continuance. The idea of being in a better place, and having that open up the future.
Will you be touring for said release?
We had been talking about going to Europe in the spring of 2012, but that has fallen through, and while we have been offered possible dates there in the autumn, we will probably just stay home. We are in a period of increased creation, in all fields - music, writing, and art, - and it feels to us that we should simply stay home and continue working while we have such a fire within us to create.
Got any upcoming/new collabs we should know about?
Kyle Hall is doing a remix of a track from the new album! Kyle is a super smart young man who grew up here in Detroit and has become one of the hottest house and electronic producers/DJs on the scene these days. He is only 20 but has already toured the world several times! He runs his own record label, and is one of the most enthusiastic vinyl lovers we have ever met. Which track he is going to pick and what he's going to do with it we have no idea, but we have faith in him to make something incredible out of the song. We're really looking forward to working with him!
Who's your favorite Kranky band?
Now that is not fair. I love so many of them. I suppose the top two would be Labradford and Stars Of The Lid. Labradford records made us want to be on Kranky, and sharing a label with SOTL makes us feel very lucky. Kranky has such an incredible roster, and has such great consistency for tones and moods. I also really appreciate how Joel's umbrella hovers over so many types of music - Modern Classical, Ambient, Krautrock, Warm and Fuzzy Pop.
What movie would work best on mute with your music as it's soundtrack?
Oh - I don't know. I hardly ever watch movies. We were truly honored to be featured in Chris Eska's 'August Evening', and it would be amazing to be included in anything Sir David Attenborough is doing or has done, but otherwise I'm not sure!!
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
Yikes. That is a really hard question for me. IF I was still able to be with Carl and he had all of his musical gear, then I could still listen to him whenever and always, and then I could pick an album that was music he had not made, and it would be Durutti Column's 'Vini Reilly' album.
Are you living your dream?
Yes. There are always things that could be changed, or made better, but overall I am very lucky in this world. I live with and make music with my very best friend, I am surrounded by people I love, and I spend my time making music, painting, and gardening. I enjoy every day in one way or another, and for that I feel truly thankful.
Thanx Brian & Windy!
W & C are currently/always working on new material, make sure to check up on them every once in a while as you never know what they have up their sleeves...;)
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