When Saints Go Machine, although a newer group, sound pretty “veteraned” based off of their technical wizardry's. Their sound is an interesting/unique blend of bizzaro Techno with Pastoral Folk Pop. Think the product of Arthur Russell, Nicolas Jaar (who actually has a hand in some of their productions), and Gusgus’ love making. This may be to soon to say this but I believe this album may be “before it’s time”. It will probably slip past a few listeners, but (eventually) they will look back and ask themselves “Why did I pass up such an amazing/relevant piece of aural art?!?”
But you’re smarter than that. Instead you will go out to your local record store and purchase (perhaps order?) When Saints Go Machine’s debut LP “Konkylie” because sounds that are gonzo organic meshing with man made mechanical bliss make sense between your ears AND you appreciate when every melody, chord, beat, & note play a crucial part in forming the albums fulfilling/rich walls. You like good music, you like original sounds, you want to brag about great bands to the uninformed public. Wait, you already like When Saints Go Machine don’t you?
DO NOT pass this one by. (When Saints Go Machine should be)RECOMMENDED(by most anyone in contact with their sound).
Standout Tracks: Church And Law, Chestnut (I bet this song sounds amazing live..), The Same Scissors (LOVE when the beat comes in), On The Move (just let it grow and grow..my gawd), Add Ends
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