"..like something out of a 60's Surf documentary.."

Dirty Beaches
Archaic Drifter Cinema
Dirty Beaches Bio:
Dirty Beaches is the sound of waves against a picturesque and putrid shore, the silent rumble of a Chevy as it speeds by in slow motion. Sparse but condensed, relentlessly edging forward: this is music for locomotive travel, for racing your weary motorcycle through neon archways and into dusky tunnels.
The man behind Dirty Beaches is Alex Zhang Hungtai; solo performer, sound-smith, and trans-Pacific nomad. Born in Taiwan, Hungtai has made Toronto, Honolulu, Montreal, and Vancouver his homes.
Like Bo Didley or minimalist synth provocateurs Suicide, Dirty Beaches’ compositions are not so much stripped down as refined to their essence. Drum loops entrance, Hungtai’s croon enchants, and the yearning melodies draped over top belie as much a sense of haunting mystery as they do romanticism and wry humor.

Hello, how are you?
(Mr. Hungtai left this one blank, we'll assume he's OK:)
What are you currently listening to?
I'm currently listening to The Offset: Spectacles, a band based in Beijing. Rock n' Roll noise in Cantonese poetry, son.
Can you name the first band/movement that truly influenced your signature sound?
My influences are a collage of a wide source, so I can't really pin point one specific source. Out of all of them, Wong Kar-Wai films have hit me the hardest due to an early exposure to them films at a young age. Musically, Vincent Gallo furthered that aspect of romance and dread in my music. If there were a car commercial that can sum up my life, Gallo directed and created a slogan for a Japanese car ad campaign called LIVE LOVE DRIVE. I think that sums up my music and life ambition pretty well.
What is the overall theme for "Badlands"?
The overall theme of badlands focuses primarily from the viewpoint of the road. The character is exiled from his familiar surroundings, chasing a dream. The album chronicles the psychological landscape it envelops, along with narratives that explore themes of evil, which comes in different forms. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men. That's some deep shit right there.
Out of all the songs you have written which are you most proud of?
I don't think I have reached that point yet, each piece of music I've made along the way shapes and builds what comes next. I want to explore different genres, different recording techniques, etc. Being productive validates my existence, so I'm gonna keep at it. Gotta work that shit and get your money's worth from your equipment mang.
Have you ever actually played a live show on a beach?
No. probably will never happen since there's no electricity.
Do you have any side projects/friends bands you would like to talk about?
Yes! There are a few actually. Side project wise, I've worked with my friend Zachary Fairbrother (Lantern, Omon Ra II) this past summer when we were both in Montreal, we tried to put together a loud noise Rock n' Roll band based on minimalism ideas that he had studied in school. I would very much like to continue that project in the future and expand it more when we both have more time.
Another side project I'm currently working on is with Nic and Aja from Cosmetics. They are real sweethearts, and good friends of mine. We're trying to tackle on some classic pop compositions, and challenge ourselves to write a pop single.
As for friends bands that I truly love, fellow Night-People records crew:
Wet Hair, Ela Orleans (look out for a split 12" between Ela and I, a co-release from La station radar and Night people)
Fixture Records crew: Postcards, Femminielli, and Conor Prendergast (which I'm releasing a split 7" with on UK based label Soft Power Recordings)
What's the most embarrassing/funny album you own?
I don't own this CD anymore, but I used to own Kaneshiro Takeshi's first album. (Half Taiwanese/Japanese pop singer turned actor)
Here's a youtube video for reference:
Actually, I kinda still like this song.
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
I have one actually. Vincent Gallo's "When". Been listening to it for the past 10 years. I think I'll be listening to it until I'm buried.
Are you living your dream?
Yes! It took me 10 years to fulfil this dream.
Touring across the heartlands of America, down through the south, coast to coast, wandering through the desert, smoking on the Manhattan Bridge, walking down tenderloin in San Francisco in the rain eating a burrito. Exploring different cities and its abandoned architecture, playing music, making new friends on the way, getting my face smashed by someone else's fist, smashing some asshole's face with my fist, falling in love and getting your heart split in two.
I take it all in.
I'm living the life I've always dreamt of 10 years ago. If it were a film, I'd buy it on DVD.
Dreams are forever. LIVE LOVE DRIVE !!!!
Thanx Alex!
Dirty Beaches releases albums left and right, if you have a moment at least soak in THIS ONE...

Dirty Beaches
Archaic Drifter Cinema
Dirty Beaches Bio:
Dirty Beaches is the sound of waves against a picturesque and putrid shore, the silent rumble of a Chevy as it speeds by in slow motion. Sparse but condensed, relentlessly edging forward: this is music for locomotive travel, for racing your weary motorcycle through neon archways and into dusky tunnels.
The man behind Dirty Beaches is Alex Zhang Hungtai; solo performer, sound-smith, and trans-Pacific nomad. Born in Taiwan, Hungtai has made Toronto, Honolulu, Montreal, and Vancouver his homes.
Like Bo Didley or minimalist synth provocateurs Suicide, Dirty Beaches’ compositions are not so much stripped down as refined to their essence. Drum loops entrance, Hungtai’s croon enchants, and the yearning melodies draped over top belie as much a sense of haunting mystery as they do romanticism and wry humor.

Hello, how are you?
(Mr. Hungtai left this one blank, we'll assume he's OK:)
What are you currently listening to?
I'm currently listening to The Offset: Spectacles, a band based in Beijing. Rock n' Roll noise in Cantonese poetry, son.
Can you name the first band/movement that truly influenced your signature sound?
My influences are a collage of a wide source, so I can't really pin point one specific source. Out of all of them, Wong Kar-Wai films have hit me the hardest due to an early exposure to them films at a young age. Musically, Vincent Gallo furthered that aspect of romance and dread in my music. If there were a car commercial that can sum up my life, Gallo directed and created a slogan for a Japanese car ad campaign called LIVE LOVE DRIVE. I think that sums up my music and life ambition pretty well.
What is the overall theme for "Badlands"?
The overall theme of badlands focuses primarily from the viewpoint of the road. The character is exiled from his familiar surroundings, chasing a dream. The album chronicles the psychological landscape it envelops, along with narratives that explore themes of evil, which comes in different forms. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men. That's some deep shit right there.
Out of all the songs you have written which are you most proud of?
I don't think I have reached that point yet, each piece of music I've made along the way shapes and builds what comes next. I want to explore different genres, different recording techniques, etc. Being productive validates my existence, so I'm gonna keep at it. Gotta work that shit and get your money's worth from your equipment mang.
Have you ever actually played a live show on a beach?
No. probably will never happen since there's no electricity.
Do you have any side projects/friends bands you would like to talk about?
Yes! There are a few actually. Side project wise, I've worked with my friend Zachary Fairbrother (Lantern, Omon Ra II) this past summer when we were both in Montreal, we tried to put together a loud noise Rock n' Roll band based on minimalism ideas that he had studied in school. I would very much like to continue that project in the future and expand it more when we both have more time.
Another side project I'm currently working on is with Nic and Aja from Cosmetics. They are real sweethearts, and good friends of mine. We're trying to tackle on some classic pop compositions, and challenge ourselves to write a pop single.
As for friends bands that I truly love, fellow Night-People records crew:
Wet Hair, Ela Orleans (look out for a split 12" between Ela and I, a co-release from La station radar and Night people)
Fixture Records crew: Postcards, Femminielli, and Conor Prendergast (which I'm releasing a split 7" with on UK based label Soft Power Recordings)
What's the most embarrassing/funny album you own?
I don't own this CD anymore, but I used to own Kaneshiro Takeshi's first album. (Half Taiwanese/Japanese pop singer turned actor)
Here's a youtube video for reference:
Actually, I kinda still like this song.
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
I have one actually. Vincent Gallo's "When". Been listening to it for the past 10 years. I think I'll be listening to it until I'm buried.
Are you living your dream?
Yes! It took me 10 years to fulfil this dream.
Touring across the heartlands of America, down through the south, coast to coast, wandering through the desert, smoking on the Manhattan Bridge, walking down tenderloin in San Francisco in the rain eating a burrito. Exploring different cities and its abandoned architecture, playing music, making new friends on the way, getting my face smashed by someone else's fist, smashing some asshole's face with my fist, falling in love and getting your heart split in two.
I take it all in.
I'm living the life I've always dreamt of 10 years ago. If it were a film, I'd buy it on DVD.
Dreams are forever. LIVE LOVE DRIVE !!!!
Thanx Alex!
Dirty Beaches releases albums left and right, if you have a moment at least soak in THIS ONE...
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