Geneva Jacuzzi is an unforeseen miracle dug up from the bowels of the internet. It seems she has a bit of a following in the L.A. art/music scene as well as is known for her previous Goth project Bubonic Plague. On her debut LP "Lamaze" Ms. --umm Jacuzzi dives head first into a bath of Post("Pre" maybe?)-Electro Pop sounds infused with what sounds like/can only be described as Tropicana Goth music. I'm thinking "Art" would be the best term when it comes to "defining" Geneva's style. It's unique to her that's for sure.
Back when I was a kid I used to watch horror movies all time, the "cheesier/gorier" the better. One day while shoppin' around I stumbled across the gem (a movie that changed my life..ha!) "Terrorvision". Which is about a wealthier Euro-trashy-American family living in L.A. that decide to invest in a satellite dish for their over-eccentric/posh-deco infused home. Little did they know that a freak accident would transport a fugitive alien into there home via said satellite, giving them the strangest shows possible. Eventually the monster-alien thingy escapes from the TV and begins eating people. You're really in for a treat with this film. Throughout the film's entirety you get the sense of watching a Married With Children Halloween special. All the characters are somewhat stupid, slimey, or incredibly fake. One of the characters, the "punk-rock/glam" teenage daughter, tunes into what could be the cheesiest, maybe best New Wave/Electro Music video station ever ..I'm pretty sure I saw Geneva Jacuzzi on there. I'm just gonna go on the record and say this album may not be for everybody, but I really wish it was. If any of these words strike a chord in your heart you need "Lamaze" oh so badly.
"Lamaze" is (indeed) very catchy, bizarre/weird/artsy, well produced (yet lo-fi-esque), and just plain old fun from first to last synth. If you're at all fascinated by the world of art-snobs/video artists dabbling in the "retro" Electro music scene this ones for you. Highly Recommended.
Standout Tracks:All, but especially; Clothes On The Bed, Runaway DNA (I love the parts where she says "E-go-sen-tric man-i--ac.."), Bad Moods, Gray Wave City, Zombie Shark
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