"..perfect drizzled down sounds for a gloomy day with little or no intentions of becoming un-mellow.."

Boduf Songs
Neo Debilitating Aura
Boduf Songs Bio:
Under the name Boduf Songs, Southampton, England's Mat Sweet records spare, haunting music based in the traditions of British folk, embellished with subtle sound effects that add an even more evocative feel. Working on his own and with friends, Sweet released a wide variety of music on his Bluebaby label, spanning sounds from heavy rock to abstract electronic pieces. In 2004, Sweet made the first Boduf Songs demos, which he recorded on his own with a handful of equipment that included a toy piano, field recordings, his computer, and acoustic guitar. Kranky was impressed enough with the demo that they released it as is the following year as "Boduf Songs". In 2006, Sweet returned with "Lion Devours the Sun", which further refined his stripped-down, eerie, and sometimes darkly humorous sound. Sweet recorded 2008's "How Shadows Chase The Balance" late at night with just a microphone. In 2010 Boduf Songs released his latest " This Alone Above All Else In Spite Of Everything".

Hello, how are you?
Pretty good thanks. You?
What are you currently listening to?
XTC "Black Sea"
What’s the story with the band name?
Secret stuff. A promise once made should ne'er be forgot.
The new album is sooo very nice (really, good job).. How was the recording experience?
Thank you very much. I honestly don't remember a whole lot specifically about recording it... Without wanting to get too personal or melodramatic, I was having a very shitty time while writing it, and for various reasons my recollection of that chapter is a bit hazy.
What do you mean by “This Alone Above All Else In Spite Of Everything”?
Music is one of the few things that drags me through the bleak hours. It refers to some other things too, tra la la.
You’re “original/unique” sound is definitely present, but it seems with “This Alone..” you’ve let a few more electronic sounds creep there way in, is there a reason for that?
When I first started writing as Boduf Songs I was very much aware that it was one-person deal, as opposed to various bands and collaborations I'd done previously, and I guess I wanted it to sound that way. Now I don't care so much about that and it's fun to explore and experiment with other things. Sometimes a full sound with lots of layers is great, sometimes it's good to stand alone in a cave hitting a pan with a stick.
Do you plan on touring for the album?
Yessir, European tour should be happening in Spring of next year - maybe some US dates after that.
What’s the most relaxing album you own?
"Neroli" by Brian Eno.
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
Uh... good grief... that's just... well whatever it is I'm probably going to get sick of it pretty quickly anyway... maybe something comforting and drifty like Celer or Gas or Boards Of Canada.
Are you living your dream?
No, and that's just as well because last night my dream was of flying on a ball of wool over a planet made up entirely of black tennis courts and nothing else and although there was a distinct vertiginous sensation, balancing as I was on so small an object and so high above the world, it was pretty exhilarating and not as alarming as you might expect. It would, however, be weird and scary to live that.
Thanx Mat!
Boduf Songs is currently putting together a European tour followed shortly (hopefully) by a small US tour...
Boduf Songs
Neo Debilitating Aura
Boduf Songs Bio:
Under the name Boduf Songs, Southampton, England's Mat Sweet records spare, haunting music based in the traditions of British folk, embellished with subtle sound effects that add an even more evocative feel. Working on his own and with friends, Sweet released a wide variety of music on his Bluebaby label, spanning sounds from heavy rock to abstract electronic pieces. In 2004, Sweet made the first Boduf Songs demos, which he recorded on his own with a handful of equipment that included a toy piano, field recordings, his computer, and acoustic guitar. Kranky was impressed enough with the demo that they released it as is the following year as "Boduf Songs". In 2006, Sweet returned with "Lion Devours the Sun", which further refined his stripped-down, eerie, and sometimes darkly humorous sound. Sweet recorded 2008's "How Shadows Chase The Balance" late at night with just a microphone. In 2010 Boduf Songs released his latest " This Alone Above All Else In Spite Of Everything".

Hello, how are you?
Pretty good thanks. You?
What are you currently listening to?
XTC "Black Sea"
What’s the story with the band name?
Secret stuff. A promise once made should ne'er be forgot.
The new album is sooo very nice (really, good job).. How was the recording experience?
Thank you very much. I honestly don't remember a whole lot specifically about recording it... Without wanting to get too personal or melodramatic, I was having a very shitty time while writing it, and for various reasons my recollection of that chapter is a bit hazy.
What do you mean by “This Alone Above All Else In Spite Of Everything”?
Music is one of the few things that drags me through the bleak hours. It refers to some other things too, tra la la.
You’re “original/unique” sound is definitely present, but it seems with “This Alone..” you’ve let a few more electronic sounds creep there way in, is there a reason for that?
When I first started writing as Boduf Songs I was very much aware that it was one-person deal, as opposed to various bands and collaborations I'd done previously, and I guess I wanted it to sound that way. Now I don't care so much about that and it's fun to explore and experiment with other things. Sometimes a full sound with lots of layers is great, sometimes it's good to stand alone in a cave hitting a pan with a stick.
Do you plan on touring for the album?
Yessir, European tour should be happening in Spring of next year - maybe some US dates after that.
What’s the most relaxing album you own?
"Neroli" by Brian Eno.
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
Uh... good grief... that's just... well whatever it is I'm probably going to get sick of it pretty quickly anyway... maybe something comforting and drifty like Celer or Gas or Boards Of Canada.
Are you living your dream?
No, and that's just as well because last night my dream was of flying on a ball of wool over a planet made up entirely of black tennis courts and nothing else and although there was a distinct vertiginous sensation, balancing as I was on so small an object and so high above the world, it was pretty exhilarating and not as alarming as you might expect. It would, however, be weird and scary to live that.
Thanx Mat!
Boduf Songs is currently putting together a European tour followed shortly (hopefully) by a small US tour...
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