"..inventive sounds that will capture your attention from the very first distorted note to the last purring melody. Keyboards, drum machine sounds, a few synths, a guitar, LOTS of distortion pedals, and "tuck me into bed" vocals.."

Sally Paradise
(please see this quote..)
Sally Paradise Bio:
Right so like, this girl called Sally thought about Paradise one day. Conceptually t’was OK, till she attempted to express it in words. For years she toiled away with a dictionary till she heard some fella with a guitar on the street. Alas, she found a manifestation, Sally Paradise. We are grateful for this.

Hello, how are you?
Chittakone: Very well. Thank you.
What are you currently listening to?
Chittakone: Some stuffs by Sublime Frequencies and Anticon, Omar Souleyman, Thaï/Lao Molam and friends from Jeunesse Cosmique crew.
Catherine: I've been really obsessed with Cure and Sonic Youth while doing the album. I've also had a huge crush on Future Islands' new album, Former Ghosts, Nite Jewel, Washed Out and all the Chillwave summer bonbon scene. Right now I'm more into listening over and over again Wilco's "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot" and old Yo la Tengo and Magnetic Fields albums.
Love the band name, where does it come from?
Catherine: Thanks! It comes from the fascination I had a few years ago for the book "On The Road" by Kerouac. Sal Paradise is the narrator (and Jack himself). I thought that Sally Paradise sounded both like a mysterious name and a really cheap, cheesy one.
Who and/or what influences you the most when it comes to the music you write?
Chittakone: I'm much influenced by guitarists like Thurston Moore, Loren Connors, Fred Firth. I like the way they create and explore new sounds with their guitars. Redefine and deconstruct the music is what I like. I'm also very influenced by images in some movies. I like Werner Herzog, Harmony Korine and Gilles Groulx.
Catherine: The music I'm listening to, the movies I watch... it's a sponge-like process. I guess my love life is a kind of an influence too (sincerely, how couldn't it be?). As for the lyrics, it's an improv with rythm, sounds, anything that pops in my mind. I hate writing lyrics for a purpose, I find the nonsensical ones much more interesting.
How is the music scene in Montreal these days? More specifically, how is the Shoegaze/Dream Pop scene?
Chittakone: There really is no Dream Pop/Shoegaze scene in Montreal. I just think people do what they love. So many styles are mixed to create summer love music.
Your offering your debut “L'Ascension du Mont Shing” for free, can you tell me why you chose that route?
Catherine: I think we discovered the power of Blogspot! I dig out music that way, so many people do too... It's pretty difficult to get your music out there and we'd come to the point when we decided we only wanted to pass the music around, see what happens. I think CD is really important too, the artwork, the object itself... We'll focus on our full album and do something magical.
Now that the EP is out do you plan on touring the US?
Catherine: When we have our full length album, that would be nice! We've thought a lot about how our music could happen live. the band and the songs are always in motion (I have the incredibly annoying way to build a song by instinctively piling a vast amount of tracks of weird synths and beats, rapidly saturating (which can probably be a pain for other members who want to join in...)) I think we've recently found the essence of what could be a live Sally Paradise show. It's like a battle between melody and noise, me being the rythm and the melody and Chi being the destroyer of it all. I guess that way, we could be touring for real.
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
Catherine: I didn't think i could find an answer to this one but I did. I was just about to fall asleep when it popped into my mind: "The Glow Pt. 2", by The Microphones, for its sincerity, for Phil Elvrum's pure magnificent voice... For me, this album is like having an incredibly perfect moment with nature and emotions, like smelling humid earth on your hands or seeing fog in the morning. I think this album is precious.
Chittakone: In an unreal life I would say Lady Gaga, but I prefer to say ''Disintegration'' by The Cure
Are you living your dream?
Chittakone: As long as I would do music with my friends of Jeunesse Cosmique and with the most charming person in the cosmic world, Catherine, I'll say yes.
Catherine: Oh, how am I supposed to find a better answer than this! Haha! Yes, I suppose I'm on the dream's path.
Thanx Catherine & Chittakone!
Sally Paradise are currently working on a follow up to their debut EP, look for that soon (please?)...

Sally Paradise
(please see this quote..)
Sally Paradise Bio:
Right so like, this girl called Sally thought about Paradise one day. Conceptually t’was OK, till she attempted to express it in words. For years she toiled away with a dictionary till she heard some fella with a guitar on the street. Alas, she found a manifestation, Sally Paradise. We are grateful for this.

Hello, how are you?
Chittakone: Very well. Thank you.
What are you currently listening to?
Chittakone: Some stuffs by Sublime Frequencies and Anticon, Omar Souleyman, Thaï/Lao Molam and friends from Jeunesse Cosmique crew.
Catherine: I've been really obsessed with Cure and Sonic Youth while doing the album. I've also had a huge crush on Future Islands' new album, Former Ghosts, Nite Jewel, Washed Out and all the Chillwave summer bonbon scene. Right now I'm more into listening over and over again Wilco's "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot" and old Yo la Tengo and Magnetic Fields albums.
Love the band name, where does it come from?
Catherine: Thanks! It comes from the fascination I had a few years ago for the book "On The Road" by Kerouac. Sal Paradise is the narrator (and Jack himself). I thought that Sally Paradise sounded both like a mysterious name and a really cheap, cheesy one.
Who and/or what influences you the most when it comes to the music you write?
Chittakone: I'm much influenced by guitarists like Thurston Moore, Loren Connors, Fred Firth. I like the way they create and explore new sounds with their guitars. Redefine and deconstruct the music is what I like. I'm also very influenced by images in some movies. I like Werner Herzog, Harmony Korine and Gilles Groulx.
Catherine: The music I'm listening to, the movies I watch... it's a sponge-like process. I guess my love life is a kind of an influence too (sincerely, how couldn't it be?). As for the lyrics, it's an improv with rythm, sounds, anything that pops in my mind. I hate writing lyrics for a purpose, I find the nonsensical ones much more interesting.
How is the music scene in Montreal these days? More specifically, how is the Shoegaze/Dream Pop scene?
Chittakone: There really is no Dream Pop/Shoegaze scene in Montreal. I just think people do what they love. So many styles are mixed to create summer love music.
Your offering your debut “L'Ascension du Mont Shing” for free, can you tell me why you chose that route?
Catherine: I think we discovered the power of Blogspot! I dig out music that way, so many people do too... It's pretty difficult to get your music out there and we'd come to the point when we decided we only wanted to pass the music around, see what happens. I think CD is really important too, the artwork, the object itself... We'll focus on our full album and do something magical.
Now that the EP is out do you plan on touring the US?
Catherine: When we have our full length album, that would be nice! We've thought a lot about how our music could happen live. the band and the songs are always in motion (I have the incredibly annoying way to build a song by instinctively piling a vast amount of tracks of weird synths and beats, rapidly saturating (which can probably be a pain for other members who want to join in...)) I think we've recently found the essence of what could be a live Sally Paradise show. It's like a battle between melody and noise, me being the rythm and the melody and Chi being the destroyer of it all. I guess that way, we could be touring for real.
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
Catherine: I didn't think i could find an answer to this one but I did. I was just about to fall asleep when it popped into my mind: "The Glow Pt. 2", by The Microphones, for its sincerity, for Phil Elvrum's pure magnificent voice... For me, this album is like having an incredibly perfect moment with nature and emotions, like smelling humid earth on your hands or seeing fog in the morning. I think this album is precious.
Chittakone: In an unreal life I would say Lady Gaga, but I prefer to say ''Disintegration'' by The Cure
Are you living your dream?
Chittakone: As long as I would do music with my friends of Jeunesse Cosmique and with the most charming person in the cosmic world, Catherine, I'll say yes.
Catherine: Oh, how am I supposed to find a better answer than this! Haha! Yes, I suppose I'm on the dream's path.
Thanx Catherine & Chittakone!
Sally Paradise are currently working on a follow up to their debut EP, look for that soon (please?)...
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