8 out of 10
It's been a while since I've had a chance to review anything. I do apologize for not staying on top of things (I've been a bit busy). One album in particular that I've been meaning to "shed some light on" is Lovesliescrushing newest-ish offering "Girl Echo SunsVeils", which is a collection of unused/rare/lost b-sides from LLC's "never ceases to amaze me" collection of terrific aqueous sound waves. Hardcore fans probably already scooped up the limited edition/hand-made wooden box that comes with a bonus disc of even more rarities. For anyone else who didn't snatch it up quick enough there is a digital copy via iTunes available now and a possible "un-limited edition" physical copy coming out in August 2010 via Projekt.
"Girl Echo Suns Veils" was one of those "projects" that kept getting pushed back year after year, a lot of work, time & probably stress went into the making of the album. Lucky for us fans, the wait is FINALLY over and we all have another chance to soak in some more ear bliss. With Lovesliescrushing you tend to always know what you're about to get into, but you never know how hard it's going to hit you when it does. Scott Cortez has a way with making the most unimaginable sounds come out of a guitar while Melissa Arpin's voice is more angelic than the word "angelic" itself. On "Girl Echo SunsVeils" the duo have once again stunned my ears with palpitating sounds that leave a calming sensation in my ears during the days that follow. The songs are "b-sides" so there is somewhat of a different sound/feel here. To explain; when I listen to LLC I get the sense of being overwhelmed by an underwater current filled with fantastical unseen lifeforms, with "Girl Echo.." I get the sense of floating just above said current. The liquidized environments engulf my every sense as usual. However, this time the sounds coming out have a "dryer/less surreal" sense to them. I get the feeling, even though it's apparently there, there are fewer distortion pedals used on some of these tracks. Basically, on "Girl Echo.." Scott Cortez has a way of making his signature distortions sound slightly more natural and loose. Maybe you will experience something entirely different when you listen to this, but that's whats special about Lovesliescrushing. Your emotions determine the music. LLC can be just as soul crushing as they are therapeutic. Every sound, every texture, every note, everything that you hear on a Lovesliescrushing album is important. You cannot absorb them all at once, you can take them as a whole, and you will forever experience a new sonic adventure with every listen.
The only thing disappointing about this band is the fact that they aren't immortal. I don't ever want this music to stop. "Girl Echo Suns Veils" is no exception to that rule either. Fans of pastoral guitar sounds with dreamy female vocals and/or LLC will love this. The album feels a little more "raw" and, if possible, more "droney", but on par with the rest of their catalogue. Recommended (most definitely). Oh, also LLC just re-released 2007's (EIC's #6 album of that year) "Chorus", make sure to get that too!
Standout Tracks: Better to take in as a whole, but if you like to skip around; Wallflower (Original Version), Seahorse (this song has the mistake of ending too soon), Blurskin (yummm), Sugarglow, Aviatrix (more please?), Kittenmother
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