"..music that gives you the sensation of floating above your own body is never a bad thing.."

Liquescent Rapture Cultivation
RxGibbs Bio:
RxGibbs is a solo project of Ron Gibbs (Auburn Lull). In his words, " It kind of sounds like if Andrew Weatherall produced Auburn Lull". RxGibbs also features (here and there) members of Auburn Lull as well as the chopped up vocals of Lorraine Lelis (ex-Mahogany vocalist)." His debut album is set for release sometime in 2010.

Hello, how are you?
I'm great, thanks. Glad Spring is finally here. Michigan winters can be quite long and dreary.
What are you currently listening to?
Lately I've really been into Coppice Halifax, which is one of projects of Brian Graiger, aka Milieu. His albums Ocean Lion I and II are pure dubby ambient goodness, and he’s got tons of other great releases besides those as well. He also recently remixed a track of man that I think turned out really sweet. I've also really been digging new stuff coming out from the likes of Caribou, Casino Versus Japan, Seasonscollide, Beach Fossils, Thomas Fehlmann, Toro Y Moi, and Radio Dept. 2010 looks like it's going to be another good year for music.
Can you explain your music in 5 words or less?
Ambient Dub?
How did the name RxGibbs come up?
I was actually dubbed RxGibbs after an old band mate of mine noticed my license plate read RXG. With my first initial being R and my last name being Gibbs, he started calling me RxGibbs. It just stuck I suppose.
You got members from Auburn Lull to guest star on your next album, how did that come up?
Well, about three years ago I was lucky enough to be able to open up for them live a couple of times here in Michigan. We became good friends and I ended up joining the band right before their last album, "Begin Civil Twilight", came out. So, over the years I've acquired many recordings from everyone in the band that I ended up incorporating into the new album. A couple of the songs actually kind of started out with me trying to remix a few Auburn Lull tracks, and they just ended up kind of morphing into their own thing.
Your earlier material seemed a little more psychedelic, now it's a little more ambient, was it your mood and/or your influences that changed?
I wouldn't really say that my influences have changed. I mean, I’ve always drawn inspiration from bands like Seefeel, Slowdive, My Bloody Valentine, early-Verve, Andrew Weatherall‘s projects, The Orb and such. These were the bands that blew my mind way back in high school, which really dates me I suppose. But I never stopped loving those bands and I’d glad to see that there is somewhat of a resurgence of interest in many of those bands. I’ve got to say though too, I am definitely continuously inspired by all the new great music coming out nowadays. I think we are in pretty exciting times, creatively, for music. There’s so many bands making exciting stuff that it’s hard to keep up.
Anyway, the change in sound was mostly due to me going from an all live recording setup to more of a loop/sample based project. Sometimes I just think recording can be a huge pain in the ass. Too many cables and too many variables that can make it all go horribly wrong. Plus, I’ve got enough recorded material on my computer already to keep me busy for a while.
I would love to hear you score a movie sometime, have you ever thought about doing that?
Yes, I have and I hope I have the opportunity someday ..Actually, Auburn Lull just found out that one of our songs is going to be featured in a movie this year. I can’t give out the details just yet, but we are definitely excited about the company we are in on this soundtrack. This director is known for having pretty sweet soundtracks. Stay tuned.
Who is you all time favorite guitarist and why?
I'd have to say that Nick McCabe from Verve is probably my favorite. I don't think anybody has ever made their guitar sail and soar like his did on "Storm In Heaven" and all the early Verve singles. I still think that was some of the most beautiful music ever made. I remember buying "All In the Mind", their debut single, when it first came out and thinking they were already the best band in the world. I mean, that is still probably my favorite debut single from any band, ever. Too bad they ultimately turned to crap. Although I hear that Nick and Simon Jones, Verve bass player, have formed a new band so I am hoping for good results. I still think Richard Ashcroft is the one that ruined them in the end. Too bad.
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
This is a totally impossible question, but I guess if I had to pick one I would say Kiln's latest album "Dusker" for a couple of reasons. First, that album never ceases to blow my mind. The attention to detail on that album is just amazing. And second, because I feel like I could always listen to that album and find little blurps and bleeps that I never noticed before. It’s literally chock full of wonderful, soothing sounds.
Are you living your dream?
Ha-ha, I‘m not sure, but life is good. If I'm ever am able to quit my day job and just make music, then maybe I'll be a little bit closer to that. But that is highly unlikely. Actually, if I even still have a day job by the time you read this, I’ll be happy.
Thanx Ron!
RxGibbs is currently putting the final touches on his upcoming debut LP, look for that pretty soon...(in the meantime check out these)

Liquescent Rapture Cultivation
RxGibbs Bio:
RxGibbs is a solo project of Ron Gibbs (Auburn Lull). In his words, " It kind of sounds like if Andrew Weatherall produced Auburn Lull". RxGibbs also features (here and there) members of Auburn Lull as well as the chopped up vocals of Lorraine Lelis (ex-Mahogany vocalist)." His debut album is set for release sometime in 2010.

Hello, how are you?
I'm great, thanks. Glad Spring is finally here. Michigan winters can be quite long and dreary.
What are you currently listening to?
Lately I've really been into Coppice Halifax, which is one of projects of Brian Graiger, aka Milieu. His albums Ocean Lion I and II are pure dubby ambient goodness, and he’s got tons of other great releases besides those as well. He also recently remixed a track of man that I think turned out really sweet. I've also really been digging new stuff coming out from the likes of Caribou, Casino Versus Japan, Seasonscollide, Beach Fossils, Thomas Fehlmann, Toro Y Moi, and Radio Dept. 2010 looks like it's going to be another good year for music.
Can you explain your music in 5 words or less?
Ambient Dub?
How did the name RxGibbs come up?
I was actually dubbed RxGibbs after an old band mate of mine noticed my license plate read RXG. With my first initial being R and my last name being Gibbs, he started calling me RxGibbs. It just stuck I suppose.
You got members from Auburn Lull to guest star on your next album, how did that come up?
Well, about three years ago I was lucky enough to be able to open up for them live a couple of times here in Michigan. We became good friends and I ended up joining the band right before their last album, "Begin Civil Twilight", came out. So, over the years I've acquired many recordings from everyone in the band that I ended up incorporating into the new album. A couple of the songs actually kind of started out with me trying to remix a few Auburn Lull tracks, and they just ended up kind of morphing into their own thing.
Your earlier material seemed a little more psychedelic, now it's a little more ambient, was it your mood and/or your influences that changed?
I wouldn't really say that my influences have changed. I mean, I’ve always drawn inspiration from bands like Seefeel, Slowdive, My Bloody Valentine, early-Verve, Andrew Weatherall‘s projects, The Orb and such. These were the bands that blew my mind way back in high school, which really dates me I suppose. But I never stopped loving those bands and I’d glad to see that there is somewhat of a resurgence of interest in many of those bands. I’ve got to say though too, I am definitely continuously inspired by all the new great music coming out nowadays. I think we are in pretty exciting times, creatively, for music. There’s so many bands making exciting stuff that it’s hard to keep up.
Anyway, the change in sound was mostly due to me going from an all live recording setup to more of a loop/sample based project. Sometimes I just think recording can be a huge pain in the ass. Too many cables and too many variables that can make it all go horribly wrong. Plus, I’ve got enough recorded material on my computer already to keep me busy for a while.
I would love to hear you score a movie sometime, have you ever thought about doing that?
Yes, I have and I hope I have the opportunity someday ..Actually, Auburn Lull just found out that one of our songs is going to be featured in a movie this year. I can’t give out the details just yet, but we are definitely excited about the company we are in on this soundtrack. This director is known for having pretty sweet soundtracks. Stay tuned.
Who is you all time favorite guitarist and why?
I'd have to say that Nick McCabe from Verve is probably my favorite. I don't think anybody has ever made their guitar sail and soar like his did on "Storm In Heaven" and all the early Verve singles. I still think that was some of the most beautiful music ever made. I remember buying "All In the Mind", their debut single, when it first came out and thinking they were already the best band in the world. I mean, that is still probably my favorite debut single from any band, ever. Too bad they ultimately turned to crap. Although I hear that Nick and Simon Jones, Verve bass player, have formed a new band so I am hoping for good results. I still think Richard Ashcroft is the one that ruined them in the end. Too bad.
You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
This is a totally impossible question, but I guess if I had to pick one I would say Kiln's latest album "Dusker" for a couple of reasons. First, that album never ceases to blow my mind. The attention to detail on that album is just amazing. And second, because I feel like I could always listen to that album and find little blurps and bleeps that I never noticed before. It’s literally chock full of wonderful, soothing sounds.
Are you living your dream?
Ha-ha, I‘m not sure, but life is good. If I'm ever am able to quit my day job and just make music, then maybe I'll be a little bit closer to that. But that is highly unlikely. Actually, if I even still have a day job by the time you read this, I’ll be happy.
Thanx Ron!
RxGibbs is currently putting the final touches on his upcoming debut LP, look for that pretty soon...(in the meantime check out these)
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