A long, long time ago in a not so distant galaxy (the milky one) a new class of music was born, it's "heavenly" creator; Godspeed You! Black Emperor. Post Rock was a breathe of fresh air at the time of it's creation. Although it had a familiar aura to it, it was more than refreshing, it was heavy music for a light soul. The line between Jazz, Rock, and Epic atmospheres had been blurred. Unfortunately, throughout the years, the galaxy became corrupt and overrun with evil imitators, insufficient imposters, and (faster than any other genre I can think of) the formula became stale. When Godspeed broke up, and this may be arguable, some say along with them the genre died. However, out of Godspeed's break up came one of the genre's "golden god's"; A Silver Mt Zion. I may lose some of my "cred" here when saying this, but I think once A Silver Mt Zion came around the genre "Post Rock" had rebuilt it's diminishing empire into a stronger more sensible sound. That's right, you heard me, I REALLY like ASMZ, they are one of my favorite bands of all time. Some people may question the vocal styling's of Efrim (lead man behind the band), but to me every element in this project simply spoke to me. Every single atmosphere ring-rang-rung with tremendous fervor inside my adolescent mind. That being said, nearly 10 years after their debut album, they are back, and back on top of their game (where they belong).
"Kollaps Tradixionales" is A Silver Mt Zion's 7th proper release. After their last effort "13 Blues For 13 Moons" many reviewers/fans were questioning if the band had lost their "zing" or touch, needless to say it wasn't their strongest offering. But hey, the way I look at it is; you've been around almost 10 years, you've put out a new album almost every other year, you get to have at least a few "stinkers" in there right? Please, don't get me wrong, I actually like "13 Blues..", but it was definitely their weakest effort. Anywho, back to "Kollaps Tradixionales", their newest offering of heavy rapture. They have returned to form, they're back to where they began. Forget "labeling" them anymore, instead of focusing on any one particular mood, they let go, they become more free, and offer you something that is truly emotional and worth while. On "Kollaps.." you will get equal doses of Psychedelics, Post Rock, Classical instrumentation, and dark atmospheres that are unique only to A Silver Mt Zion. The guitars are in top notch form again, they are super loud and fuzzy. The drums create what sounds like a back drop to an epic Roman Army marching through busy streets. The strings are more melancholy than they have been in a while. And the vocals are (as always) inspiring to the "right" ears. Every element on this album is crucial to the important/intricate layers of noise within. I am more than happy with this release, I am obsessed. I will be revisiting this album for many years to come, and I know, with each listen, I will only become more obsessed..
All praise A Silver Mt Zion, I love this band and I will forever be excited for new releases. I like this album a lot too, it's a solid Atmospheric-Rock experience from beginning to end. Recommended for fans of darker/bereaved music, longer songs, the evolution of "Post Rock", and sounds that only the "tightest of bands" could pull off. If you're just now checking into A Silver Mt Zion, start with "Horses In The Sky" or "He Has Left Us Alone.." and you will see why I am so f*&%ing obsessed with this project. RECOM-MENDED.
Standout Tracks: There Is A Light (nothing wrong with a 14 minute opener..), I Built Myself A Metal Bird, I Fed My Metal Bird The Wings Of Other Metal Birds, Kollaps Tradicional (Bury 3 Dynamos), 'Piphany Rambler (terrific album ender)
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