The concert dates are as follows:
25th June, Le Poisson Rouge, Wordless Music, New York, USA
26th June, Cambridge YMCA Theatre, Boston, USA
27th June, St. Mary's Hamilton Village, Philadelphia, USA
28th June, Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, USA
29th June, Lakeshore Theatre, Chicago USA
30th June, Southern Theatre, Minneapolis, USA
Jóhann’s ensemble on this tour will include:
Keats Dieffenbach, Caleb Burhans: Violin
Nadia Sirota: Viola
Clarice Jensen: Cello
Matthías Hemstock: Percussion, electronics
Jóhann Jóhannsson: Piano, organ, electronics
Jóhann will also play some selected dates in Europe this summer. This includes a rare outdoor performance in Kortrijk, Belgium, with the Kortrijk Symphony Orchestra on the 11th of July. The concert will be at dawn, so expect an amazing natural light show accompanying the music.
Another special show will be in Durham, England:
In anticipation of a major new collaboration for 2010 inspired by the mining culture of North East England, Jóhann Jóhannsson and American experimental filmmaker Bill Morrison present a special performance of their established works at Durham’s Gala Theatre on 14 July 2009. Part of BRASS: Durham International Festival 2009, a screening of Morrison’s Decasia: The State of Decay and his short film Light is Calling is followed by Jóhann Jóhannsson’s special new arrangements of his works performed by his ensemble of strings, piano, percussion and electronics, and some of the region’s finest brass players, conducted by Icelandic conductor and clarinetist Gudni Franzson.
Here´s a list of upcoming European dates:
5th July, Cortile del Castello Estense, Ferrara, Italy
11th July, Festival Congé, Kortrijk, Belgium – dawn concert with Kortrijk Symphony Orchestra
14th July, Durham, England, Durham Brass Festival - with brass band
20th October, Unsound Festival, Krakow, Poland
31st October, Music in Mind. Brugge, Belgium
Jóhann´s ensemble for the European dates includes:
Ivo Stankov, James Underwood: Violins
Emma Owens: Viola
Charlotte Maguirita Rook: Cello
Matthias Hemstock: Percussion and electronics
Jóhann Jóhannsson: Piano, organ and electronics
Visuals: Magnús Helgason
I wish I could make it to one of these shows, as it should be quite beautiful..
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